Archive for October 30th, 2018

Black Hacking Some Fiends

About two years ago, I posted conversions to the The Black Hack of some favorite Fiend Folio monsters. That was for the first edition of The Black Hack. Well, now there’s a second edition, and it’s a great game. Seriously. You need the second edition of The Black Hack. (Nota Bene: The aforementioned product links are affiliate links.)

So, in the spirit of second editions, here’re those same Fiend Folio monsters, updated for the new The Black Hack, an even ebonier slice of RPG genius.

Al-Mi’Raj (HD 1)

This large, yellow rabbit sports a unicorn-like horn. Adventurers may find al-mi’rajes in pastures and woodlands, or perhaps lairing in a small cave.

Melee: STR (1 Close) 2 dmg
They Dart! Gives Disadvantage to Attacks made against it by Characters farther away than Close.

Bloodworm (HD 6)

Found in shallow pools in underground caverns. Cannot swim, but instead wriggle along the bottom of their watery lairs. Reach lengths of nearly 20 feet, but slender and lithe.

Melee: STR (1 Close) 7 dmg
Blood Drain! Deals Ongoing Damage that requires a STR Test to end.

Coffer Corpse (HD 2)

Emaciated, rotting flesh, eyes burning with hatred, fingernails grown into talons.

Melee: STR (2 Close) 2 dmg
Not Dead Yet! Collapses after taking Damage only to jump back up on its next action. A WIS Test avoid being forced by fear to Move away from the Coffer Corpse next turn.

Death Knight (HD 9)

Skeletal creature in ancient, decaying finery and plate armor.

Melee: STR (1 Close) 10 dmg
Spellcaster! As an Action, cast one of the following spells. Each spell as a Usage Die to track its limited power.

* Detect Magic (Ud8): Everything Nearby that is magic glows. Lasts for Ud6 Minutes.
* Fireball (Ud4): 1d4 Nearby Creatures take 9d6 damage.
* Power Word, Kill (Ud4): A Nearby Creature with fewer than 50 HP must make a CON Test or die without possiblity of resurrection.
* See Invisibility (Ud8): Everything Nearby that is invisible becomes visible to the Death Knight. Lasts for Ud6 Minutes.
* Wall of Ice (Ud8): Wall of ice covers a Nearby area. Any Creature that comes Close takes damage equal to its HD.

October 30th, 2018  in RPG No Comments »