Archive for October 31st, 2018

Q – The Winged Serpent!

Yes, that’s right. Quetzalcoatl lives in the Chrysler Building and Shelly Desai offers sacrifices while David Carradine and Richard Roundtree try to stop the monster and the murders while dealing with the vainglorious Michael Moriarty, who delivers a performance so method that it’s almost a caricature, especially within the context of a joyfully B-movie. Trivia: David Carradine’s half-brother Bruce plays “The Victim”.

Q – The Winged Serpent: The only 80s monster/crime drama that features a police officer/mime silently emoting his horror and anguish while watching a fellow officer die off-screen.

(Nota Bene: All links below are affiliate links.)


For The Black Hack

Q (HD 8)

Part bird, part serpent. It’s Q, and it hungers for sacrifices!

Claws: STR (2 Close) 5 dmg
Gotcha! Deals Ongoing Damage that requires a STR Test to end.

Bite: DEX (1 Nearby) 9 dmg
Bloodthirsty! Deals double damage against targets below one-half their maximum HP.


For Swords & Wizardry

Hit Dice: 8
Armor Class: 6 [13]
Attack (Damage): 2 Claws (1d6), 1 Bite (2d8)
Move: 9/15 (when flying)
Save: 8
Alignment: Chaos
Challenge Level/XP: 9/1,100
Special: Grab

If Q’s target is hit with a claw and fails its saving throw, Q holds the target, struggling, until a saving throw is successful.


For Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

Alignment: Chaotic
Psychological Traits: Q causes fear in all living creatures.
Special Rules: Q flies as a swooper, and the Move score given below is for ground movement. Q attacks with one bite and two claws. Its claws inflict one-half Strength damage.

Basic Profile
M 3, WS 75, BS 0, S 6, T 5, W 40, I 30, A 3, Dex -, Ld 45, Int 30, Cl 45, WP 45, Fel

October 31st, 2018  in RPG No Comments »