Posts Tagged ‘ monsters ’

Your Gummi Doom Draws Nigh!

The Borderlands

My The Borderlands campaign continues, as does the growth of the campaign’s Scabard site.


I’ve made more progress on my homage to D&D of the late 1970s to early 1980s. The player’s guide to Middangeard now sits at almost 5,000 words. I estimate that puts it about 20-25% complete, at least in rough draft form.


A new monster!

Bear, Gelatinous

A mighty, translucent bear-shaped slime that thrives in arctic environments.

AC 12, HP 29, ATK 2 slams +5 (1d10 + toxic), MV near (climb), S +4, D +1, C +3, I -3, W +1, Ch -3, AL N, LV 6

Arctic-Born. Cold immune.

Crush. Deals an extra die of damage if it hits the same target with both slams.

Engulf. If crush hits, DC 12 STR or trapped inside cube. Engulfed targets automatically take 1d8 damage each round. DC 12 STR on turn to escape. Fail checks if paralyzed.

Rubbery. Half damage from stabbing weapons.

Toxin. DC 15 CON or paralyzed 1d4 rounds.

January 18th, 2025  in RPG No Comments »

Gnoles for ShadowDark

Source: Dungeons & Dragons, Volume II, Monsters & Treasure by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Published in 1974.

Roughly man-sized, green-skinned and white-haired, a cherubic face split by a fanged maw, leathery flesh marred by stone-colored warts. Territorial and avaricious, lusting for gems and prey, lairing in dank caverns.

Spelling of the monster’s name and original inspiration likely Lord Dunsany’s “How Nuth Would Have Practised His Art Upon The Gnoles” (from The Book of Wonder, first published in 1914).

AC 13, HP 19, ATK 1 pick +4 (1d6) or 1 javelin (near) +4 (1d4) or 1 bite +3 (1d8), MV near, S +3, D +2, C +2, I +0, W +1, Ch +0, LV 4

Regenerate. Regains 1d6 HP on its turn unless its wounds are cauterized with fire or acid.

Stone Meld. 1/day, underground only. Turn invisible for 3 rounds.

December 13th, 2024  in RPG No Comments »

The Denham Tracts, Folklore, & ShadowDark

Speaking of ShadowDark (which I did a bit last post), I’ve started working on a new Spes Magna Games project, the first one in quite awhile, that combines my fondness for folklore and my occasional mania for making monsters.

The Denham Tracts are a collection of mid-nineteenth century English pamphlets collected into a single publication by Michael A. Denham. The pamphlets deal with history, poems, proverbs, sayings, slogans, and stories. This collection is most perhaps most famous for its list of creatures popular in folklore, a list that some allege is from where J. R. R. Tolkien took the word “hobbit”.

It is this list of creatures that is the subject of my new Spes Magna Games project. I’m not making a monster for every creature on the list. There is some repetition as it lists the same creature under different names. That said, ignoring repetition, The Denham Tracts provides plenty of inspiration.

For example:

Black Dogs
Black dogs are not truly canines, although they often resemble man’s best friends. A black dog is a supernatural creature, one that possesses uncanny powers and often appears as a harbinger of some terrible, impending fate. All black dogs have a dangerous howl as well as these two traits:

Impervious. While incorporeal, only damaged by silver or magical sources.

Incorporeal. In place of attacks, become corporeal or incorporeal. While incorporeal, ADV on WIS checks to track living creatures.

A large dog with shaggy fur white like fresh snow, its outline indistinct, hazy, as if the creature fades from canine to fog. Its eyes are featureless, dull blue orbs.

The gallytrot preys on cowards. Its howl sounds like a cacophony of screeching cats and angry hornets.

AC 14, HP 26, ATK 1 bite +3 (1d6), MV double near, S +2, D +2, C +2, I -1, W +1, Ch -1, AL N, LV 4

Howl. Living creatures within near must make a DC 12 CHA check on turn or become scared for 1d4 rounds. While scared, suffer a -2 penalty on attack rolls and checks. If a scared creature is attacked, on its next turn it must only move away from its attacker.

December 11th, 2024  in Spes Magna News No Comments »

The Tusked Shifter

Today, another new (sort of) monster for Shadowdark but this time the art is by the wonderful JE Shields JE Shields. The art is used by permission.

Shifter, Tusked

Bizarre sort of great cat with dark fur over taut muscles. A whip-like tail. From its back barbed tentacles grow. Armored skull, beak-like nose, large maw full of fangs flanked by long, curved tusks. Heavy talons on its paws.

AC 12, HP 39, ATK 2 barbed tentacles +4 (1d6) and 1 gore +4 (2d4), MV near, S +4, D +2, C +2, I -2, W +2, Ch -2, AL C, LV 6

Charge. Move up to double near in straight line and make 1 gore attack. If it hits: x2 gore damage.

Shifted. Appears to be about a yard from where it is. Attacks relying on sight against it have disadvantage. It makes saving throws against directs attacks with advantage.

October 18th, 2024  in RPG No Comments »

More Undead to Dread

Another Shadowdark post with more wonderful art by Fernando Salvaterra. All art is used by permission.

King of Corruption

Tentacles squirm, appear, and disappear. Tendrils wriggle in place of its lower jaw. Glowing white eyes shine malevolently. Rich robes and cape shift as if the body beneath has no set form or number of limbs.

AC 16, HP 57, ATK 1d4 tendrils +5 (1d6 plus disease), MV near, S +1, D +4, C +3, I +2, W +3, Ch +2, AL C, LV 10

Command Undead. Skeletons and zombies obey its commands.

Disease. DC 16 CON or infected. DC 16 CON each day or lose 2d4 HP (can’t heal naturally). Ends on success.

Disintegrate into Swarm. Collapses into a writhing mass of biting tendrils. Moves and attacks as a rat swarm (Shadowdark 245). Regenerates 1d8 HP on its turn unless wounds are cauterized with holy water.

Greater Undead. Immune to morale checks. Only damaged by silver or magical sources.

Reaper, Skeletal

Mottled bones almost devoid of tissue. Pinpoints of light for eyes. Ragged clothing and cloak. A blood-stained scythe ready to strike!

AC 14, HP 15, ATK 1 scythe +3 (1d10), MV near, S +3, D +0, C +2, I +0, W +2, Ch +2, AL C, LV 3

Greater Undead. Immune to morale checks. Only damaged by silver or magical sources.

Lasting Wounds. Damage from its scythe can be healed only by nonmagical means.

October 15th, 2024  in RPG No Comments »