The Boalisk for S&W and MF
Time for another old AD&D favorite re-imagined for Swords & Wizardry and Mutant Future!
According to a few gaming sites, the boalisk appeared first in one of my favorite modules: The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth. I can’t find my copy of that module, and I don’t remember the boalisk being part of it, but my memory could be wrong. Regardless from where, the boalisk slithered its way into AD&D’s Monster Manual II in 1983.
The boalisk, a variety of tropical snake, is nearly identical to the constrictor snake (q.v.) in all respects, and it has a gaze attack. Those who fall victim to the boalisk’s gaze attack contract a rotting disease. In tropical climes, constrictors encountered may be accompanied by boalisks (25%), and vice versa (Monster Manual II 71).

For Swords & Wizardry
Hit Dice: 5+1
Armor Class: 5 [14]
Attack (Damage): 1 bite (1d3)
Move: 12
Save: 12
Alignment: Neutrality
Challenge Level/XP: 7/600
Special: Constriction, gaze causes rotting disease
If a boalisk’s bite hits, its coils automatically wrap about its victim, causing 1d6+1 points of constriction damage per round thereafter, but a boalisk can constrict only one target a time. The boalisk gazes each round. A surprised target meets the boalisk’s gaze automatically and gets no saving throw. Otherwise, a creature who meets the boalisk’s gaze must make a saving throw to avoid affliction with a rotting disease. This disease prevents magical healing and causes wounds to heal at one-tenth the normal rate. A Cure Disease increases healing to one-half normal rate, but only a Remove Curse completely cures a victim of the boalisk’s rotting disease. A boalisk’s gaze does not affect others of its kind, including normal constrictor snakes.
For Mutant Future
Number Encountered: 1d3 (1d3)
Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 120′ (40′)
Armor Class: 5
Hit Dice: 5+1
Attacks: 2 (bite, constrict)
Damage: 1d3+1/1d6+1
Save: L3
Morale: 8
Hoard Class: VI
XP: 660
Mutations: Gigantism, Unique (Disease Gaze)
A boalisk’s first attack is its bite. If the bite hits, the boalisk constricts its victim for an additional 1d6+1 damage. Constriction damage continues on subsequent rounds. A creature that meets a boalisk’s gaze must make a saving throw versus poison or contract a rotting disease. This disease’s infection duration, affected stats, and damage per day are identical to flesh-eating bacteria (Mutant Future 48).