The Pineto for S&W and MF
I’m now heading further back in time to 1978’s Gamma World to find a new monster for conversion to both Swords & Wizardry and Mutant Future. Way back in the day, we played Gamma World quite a lot. For a time, it completely replaced AD&D as our game of choice. It remains one of my most favoritest RPGs. This post is not my first foray into Gamma World conversions. Click here for other such posts.
These oddly mutated plants have a horizontal trunk and movable branches, adapted to rapid locomotion. A large clump of roots, and keen visual and olfactory appendages at the base of its trunk vaguely resembles a shaggy horse’s head. It feeds on nutrimental matter, which its tendrils thrust into the trunk cavity where it is absorbed by thousands of tiny rootlets. The pineto takes on moisture much like an animal, by dipping its “head” (root clump) into a stream or pond. Pinetos can be domesticated for riding or work as a beast of burden (carrying up to 800kg on their backs). Control is by a sharp goad stick which is jammed into the pineto, just behind the root clump. (Gamma World 25).

For Swords & Wizardry
Hit Dice: 3
Armor Class: 4 [15]
Attack (Damage): 1 slam (1d6+2)
Move: 18
Save: 14
Alignment: Neutrality
Challenge Level/XP: 3/60
Special: Needles
A pineto is covered with short, sharp needles. It attacks by slamming these needles into its target. A target with an armor class of 7 [12] or better takes half damage from this attack. A rider without a saddle or other suitable protection takes 1 point of damage each round it rides the pineto.
For Mutant Future
Number Encountered: 1 (1d8)
Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 180′ (45′)
Armor Class: 4
Hit Dice: 3
Attacks: 1 (slam)
Damage: 1d6+2
Save: L2
Morale: 7
Hoard Class: None
XP: 110
Mutations: Free Movement, Full Senses, Natural Armor (Plant), Vegetal Weapon (Needles)
A pineto is covered with short, sharp needles. It attacks by slamming these needles into its target. A target with an armor class of 7 or better takes half damage from this attack. A rider without a saddle or other suitable protection takes 1 point of damage each round it rides the pineto.
In other news, if you’ve enjoyed my recent monster posts, you might enjoy these for-sale offerings available via DriveThruRPG. Both are on sale for July at half their normal price. For each PDF, the first link takes you to the product page and the second link applies the discount code to your cart for checkout.
That’s a Goblin!? (Discount Link)
Catch your players off guard with That’s a Goblin!?. This Old School supplement presents 23 goblin mutations, 15 fey goblin abilities, 3 goblin subspecies, and 6 goblin tactical specialties. Mix and match to create scores of different goblins! That’s a Goblin!? also includes Tributary of Terror, a mini-adventure taking place within Reyr’s Well, a detailed fantasy hamlet suitable for just about any campaign world.
Terrors of the Toxic Waste (Discount Link)
Terrors of the Toxic Waste presents 21 new mutant foes, hazards, and NPCs – from the psychotic killdren to the benevolent Yozuvchi of the Endless Tales – all ready to add more danger and excitement to your post-apocalyptic world.
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