The Paddingtonian and a Golem
I’ve a couple new offerings for Shadowdark today.
First, at this link right here, you can download a new class: the Paddingtonian! With his Hard Stare and Jars of Marmalade, the Paddingtonian is an asset to any group of crawlers.
Second, a new monster, which is really an old monster updated for Shadowdark.
Golem, Bronze
A tall, broad statue cast in bronze that moves to block your path.
AC 16, HP 45, ATK 2 slam +7 (2d6), MV near, S +4, D -1, C +4, I -3, W +1, Ch -3, AL N, LV 9
Golem. Immune to damage from cold or nonmagical sources. Healed by fire.
Crush. Deals an extra die of damage if it hits the same target with both slams.
Slowed by Lightning. Immune to lightning damage, but speed is halved for 1d4 rounds.