Inside the box, six unequally sized decks of cards rest in separate niches. Each deck came shrink-wrapped, which I understand why, but, man, do my old fingers have a hard time with shrink-wrapping. Each deck is one of six different types of cards: Regions, Landmarks, Namesakes, Origins, Attributes, and Advents.
The basic use of Deck of Worlds is to create microsettings. This is done by dealing out one card from each deck in the order listed above. Below are the six cards I ended up with.
Once the cards are dealt, cards two through five are “built” up around the Region card, making choices for each card as seems best. Landmarks and Advents come with two options. The other cards present four options. Once the choices were made, I ended up with this configuration of cards for my first Deck of Worlds microsetting.
Thus, I have the Hissing Grassland with its Village Built with Blood Money. The Region is subject to Seasonal Flooding. The Contents of an Important Archive Are Being Held Hostage in the Village.
I like it.
If you’re interested in more information, check out this ten-minute tutorial as well as the links in the first paragraph above.
How about two magic items for Shadowdark inspired by St. Patrick, Catholic bishop and missionary?
Bodhrán of St. Patrick
An aged goatskin stretched tight across a circular wooden frame about 15 inches in diameter and about 4 inches deep. The player beats the drum its wooden cipín, one end of which doubles as a hex key to tighten or loosen the skin.
Benefit. When played while casting turn undead, the bodhrán changes the target of the spell from undead creatures to reptilian creatures.
Curse. Only a Lawful priest may safely use the Bodhrán of St. Patrick. Others who attempt to use this relic suffer disadvantage on WIS checks for 24 hours.
Iron Bell of St. Patrick
A simple handbell about 8 inches high made of iron and bronze, carried within a decorative shrine composed of bronze, silver, gold, glass, and rock crystal.
Benefit. When rang while casting turn undead, the bell changes the target of the spell from undead creatures to infernal creatures.
Curse. Only a Lawful priest may safely use the Iron Bell of St. Patrick. Others who attempt to use this relic are struck deaf for 24 hours.
Another old monster made a new monster for Shadowdark. The art below is copyright 2015 by Dean Spencer and is used with permission (all rights reserved).
Mephit, Ice
A mephit, a wicked creature from some strange borderland between planes elemental and infernal, loves to torment the weak.
AC 14, HP 14, ATK 2 claws +2 (1d3 plus 1 point of cold damage) or spew ice +2 (see below), MV double near (fly), S +0, D +1, C +1, I +0, W +1, Ch -1, AL C, LV 3
Extremely Cold. Touching with bare skin causes 1 point of cold damage.
Gate Other Mephits. Once per day, 1-in-4 chance to summon another ice mephit. A summoned ice mephit cannot use this ability for a day.
Spew Ice. Single target within double near. Inflicts 1d8+1 points of cold damage, or 50% chance of extinguishing a torch or 25% chance of extinguishing a lantern if carried by the target.