Ice Mephit for Shadowdark
Another old monster made a new monster for Shadowdark. The art below is copyright 2015 by Dean Spencer and is used with permission (all rights reserved).

Mephit, Ice
A mephit, a wicked creature from some strange borderland between planes elemental and infernal, loves to torment the weak.
AC 14, HP 14, ATK 2 claws +2 (1d3 plus 1 point of cold damage) or spew ice +2 (see below), MV double near (fly), S +0, D +1, C +1, I +0, W +1, Ch -1, AL C, LV 3
Extremely Cold. Touching with bare skin causes 1 point of cold damage.
Gate Other Mephits. Once per day, 1-in-4 chance to summon another ice mephit. A summoned ice mephit cannot use this ability for a day.
Spew Ice. Single target within double near. Inflicts 1d8+1 points of cold damage, or 50% chance of extinguishing a torch or 25% chance of extinguishing a lantern if carried by the target.