Shark Monsters for S&W and MF
Just when you thought it was safe to adventure in the water again, here come two new monsters, one for Swords & Wizardry and the other for Mutant Future.
Carcharidaemon for Swords & Wizardy
The fearsome carcharidaemon prowls the watery depths as well as the coasts of hellish realms. It preys on lesser creatures not because it must eat to live but because it enjoys inflicting pain and causing death. A carcharidaemon is equally at home swimming in the water or crawling and hopping frog-like on land. Twenty feet long and immensely strong, few creatures dare challenge the might of the carcharidaemon.

Hit Dice: 20
Armor Class: 0 [19]
Attack (Damage): 1 bite (3d6), 2 tentacles (1d6), 2 claws (2d6)
Move: 15/24 swimming
Save: 3
Alignment: Chaos
Challenge Level/XP: 30/7,400
Special: +1 or better weapons to hit, constriction, immunity to acid and poison, magic resistance (75%), spells, swallow whole, telepathy 100 ft.
A carcharidaemon swallows a person whole on any attack roll in which the die rolled is 4 or more over the required number, and always if the die roll is a 20. Swallowed victims suffer 1d6 points of damage each round from powerful digestive fluids. This monster’s tentacles extend to 20 feet. If a tentacle hits, it automatically constricts, claws, and gnaws for 2d6 points of damage per round (instead of the normal 1d6). There is a 50% chance that the tentacle also pinions one of its victims limbs. A carcharidaemon can always Detect Invisibility, and it can cast Dispel Magic up to thrice per day. Once per day, it may Raise Water (treat as the reverse of Lower Water).
Sharktopus for Mutant Future
A monstrous combination of giant octopus and great white shark, the sharktopus may have its origins in an ancient military lab. Released or escaped into the oceans, the sharktopus threatens both open water and coastal regions. This cunning beast attacks quickly, especially once it senses blood (which it can do to a range of 300 feet). When in its feeding frenzy, a sharktopus never checks morale. Its tentacles grow to lengths of 15 feet. On land, these tentacles are strong enough to act as legs, and the sharktopus can survive out of water for several minutes.

Number Encountered: 0 (1d3)
Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 90′ (30′), Swim 120′ (40′)
Armor Class: 5
Hit Dice: 15
Attacks: 9 (tentacles x8, bite)
Damage: 1d6 tentacle/2d8 bite
Save: L7
Morale: 7
Hoard Class: None
XP: 3,300
Mutations: Chameleon Epidermis, Echolocation
When swimming to attack, the sharktopus jets at three times its normal speed. Once in melee range, it sprays a 40-foot-radius cloud of black ink that obscures its prey’s vision. With a successful hit, a tentacle constricts a victim, automatically inflicting damage each successive round. The victim suffers a cumulative -1 attack penalty per tentacle constricting it. A hit with an edged weapon that inflicts at least 8 points of damage with a single blow severs a tentacle.
In keeping with the theme of this post, I’ve put both versions of Sharks & Shallows on sale for a mere $0.50 for the rest of this month. The title link goes to the product description page. The discount link adds the PDF to your cart at the discounted price. In either case, Shallows & Sharks presents a half dozen predators to challenge your players.
Shallows & Sharks: Old School Fantasy Version and its discount link
Shallows & Sharks: Old School Mutant Apocalypse Version and its discount link
If you missed the two other posts with discounts, this post includes Aquatic Depths & Denizens at a discount whereas this other post includes That’s a Goblin!? and Terrors of the Toxic Waste at reduced prices.
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