Archive for July 13th, 2018

The Diablo Giant

Giant from the Unknown strives to be a B-movie, but doesn’t quite succeed. Made in 1958, this horror movie stars Ed Kemmer (who?), Sally Fraser (who?), and Buddy Baer (the hulking heavyweight boxer and uncle of Jethro Bodine). The movie’s plot involves archaeology, xenophobia, police incompetence, a cute blond with a pistol who still needs rescuing, and a resurrected conquistador whose hobbies include lumbering, lurking, and killing women. Despite all of this, the movie still manages to be dull and not the least bit scary. After the movie poster, you’ll find stats for the Diablo Giant, the film’s monster, suitable for use with The Cthulhu Hack.

The Diablo Giant
Nearly seven feet tall and weighing more than 300 pounds, clad in a breastplate and helm, armed with a battle axe, still caked with the dirt of the grave, the Diablo Giant’s eyes glow with bloodlust.

Hit Dice: 4 (1d10 damage)
Notes: The Diablo Giant possesses enormous physical power. STR Saves against it are made with Disadvantage. It takes half damage from firearms and electricity.


In Spes Magna Games news, I’ve just ordered my proof copy of the print-on-demand The Four Color Hack. Going from PDF to POD has been an arduous possess, which has included getting ripped off by one layout person and stressing another layout person probably more than is necessary trying to divine the arcane procedures necessary to upload an acceptable cover. I should have the proof copy some time next week. If all looks good (fingers crossed!), the POD The Four Color Hack should be available for purchase before the end of July.
