Archive for July 25th, 2018

Vroom! Vroom!

What I hope is the final round of edits to The Four Color Hack are in the hands of the erstwhile young lady who’s helping me with all that techy stuff needed for print-on-demand (POD). I received proof copy last week. Overall, it looks good, but there were some problems that must be addressed. (See the pics to the right for examples; clicking a pic embiggens it.)

This whole POD process has been a wee bit arduous. Of course, if I hadn’t gotten ripped off by The Formatting Service What Shall Not Be Named, I’d not be about a month behind where I thought I’d be, but c’est la vie and caveat emptor. When The Four Color Hack does hit the interwaves for sale as a POD book, it’ll sell for no more than $12 (which includes the PDF as well, of course).

In other exciting news, did you know that the first and only season of Street Hawk is watchable via Amazon Prime? I’ll give you a moment to catch your breath. I loved this show when it was on TV way back in the year I graduated from high school. Rex Smith had great hair, a dazzling smile, and that snotty, faux insouciance that still makes me giggle a little. I remember a handwritten Marvel Super Heroes character sheet based on Street Hawk. Not sure if I ever got to play him or not, but I hope I did.

Therefore, the Road Raptor, a complete superhero for The Four Color Hack!

The Road Raptor

This is Jesus Comacho, an ex-motorcycle cop, injured in the line of duty. Now a police troubleshooter, he’s been recruited for a top secret government mission to ride the Raptor — an all-terrain attack motorcycle designed to fight urban crime, capable of incredible speeds up to three hundred miles an hour, and immense firepower. Only one man, federal agent Titus Normandy, knows Jesus Camacho’s true identity. The man…the machine…the Road Raptor!

STR 13, DEX 14, CON 13, INT 10, WIS 9, CHA 12

Level 1
Hit Points 14
Fortune 10
Base Damage d6
Vigor 2
Idioms Motorcycle Cop, Hot-Headed Daredevil

Crash Suit
* Powers: Advanced Synthon-Weave Suit d6 (4 armor), Helmet Sensor Array d8
* Limitation: The Road Raptor has a bum leg from being injured in the line of duty. This leg still gives him trouble from time to time.

The Raptor
* Powers: All-Terrain Capabilities d6, Hyperefficient Engine d12, Immense Firepower d10
* Limitation: The Raptor is an experimental AT-AM. Its systems are not always stable, and Titus Normandy constantly tinkers with it when it’s not deployed.