Archive for July 28th, 2018

No Longer a Gnome Lair

The picture to the left above is the “Gnome Lair” map on page X62 of the 1981 printing of the D&D Expert Rulebook. The picture to the right is my version drawn isometric style with some changes happening because I reached the edge of the page and others being more thoughtful. (Clicking a pic embiggens it.)

My version is not a gnome lair. It might have been occupied by gnomes once upon a time, but no more. Now strange magical forces have turned the lair into a dangerous maze. Notice there are two sets of keyed areas: those with Roman numerals and those with Arabic numberals. Let’s start with latter.

Those Arabic Numerals

When an explorer gets line of sight on an area marked with an Arabic numeral, roll 1d10 before describing what the explorer sees. On a 10, the explorer sees a dead end. Otherwise, he or she sees whatever is at the indicated area. For example:

Eric (playing Agios): Agios descends the stairs cautiously while Cinder and Tupke wait in the hallway above.

Mark (the GM): Agios nears the bottom of the steps. (Mark rolls 1d10 and gets a 6.) He sees that after the landing, the hallway advances about ten feet and then turns to the right. (Mark makes note that if Agios continues, he’ll end up leaving the area marked “6” and advancing down the hall.

Every time a numbered area is not within line-of-sight, the magical effect resets. For example, if Agios continues down the hallway to the intersection, and then returns to area 6, Mark would roll 1d10 to see to where (if anywhere) the path now leads.

Those Roman Numerals

Whenever an explorer triggers the magic at an area marked with an Arabic numeral, there is a 1 in 6 chance that some randomly determined monster or monsters will be summoned. If so, consult the appropriate table, and then roll 1d6 to see in which area marked by a Roman numeral the encounter appears. These monsters behave appropriately for their type, and they too may decide to explore, triggering Arabic numerals areas appropriate.

Mark rolls 1d6 and gets a 1. He consults the specially prepared random encounter table, rolls 1d8+1d12 and another 1d6. As a result, two grells appear at Roman numeral I, not too far from where Agios might be heading should he choose to continue without the party.

July 28th, 2018  in RPG No Comments »