The Grippli for S&W and MF
So, it seems there’s a lot of internet drama about a certain game company and certain people associated with that game company who’ve done and said Bad Things. Since social media’s main function is to encourage gossip and conclusion jumping in order to drive up ad revenue for Very Rich People, many gamers are gossiping and griping and leaping from one place to another. I made the mistake of wandering into a social media thread complaining about the ubiquity of this gossip, griping, and leaping, and about how such things have taken over the content of at least one social media subgroup.
Two thoughts wandered into my head as I read the often stupefying comments:
- There’s no good reason to read any of this.
- Social media content of This versus That is a ratio. Tired of That? Then post some of This.
It’s been a while since I posted anything related to either frogs, Swords & Wizardy, or Mutant Future. Regarding the first topic, it appears I like posting about frogs. Here’s a froggy-themed index of previous posts:
OSR Games
The Anuran Antres of the Sinister Salientians
Savage Worlds
Wastri & Minions for 5E
And now for an old monster made new again for two of my favorite OSR systems, I summon forth the grippli from AD&D’s Monster Manual II, published way back in 1983:

The grippli resemble small, intelligent, humanoid tree frogs. They eat insects and fruit. Grippli hands and feet are adapted for easy movement through tree branches. They have 700-year life spans and produce few offspring. Grippli live in swamps and rain forests. Their gray-green skin gives them natural camouflage…. Grippli are not warlike. They love bright colors and have been known to make raids to steal bright colored clothing for their huts. They defend themselves with snares, nets, poisoned darts and bolts, and occasionally a sword or dagger. Grippli see equally well during the day and night, but they cannot see in total darkness. A grippli lair is built on the ground and consists of mud and wood huts (Monster Manual II 71).
For Swords & Wizardry
Hit Dice: 1+1 (2+2 for guards, 3+3 for tribe mother)
Armor Class: 9 [11] (8 [12] for guards, 7 [13] for tribe mother)
Attack (Damage): Weapon
Move: 9/15 swimming
Save: 17, 16, or 14
Alignment: Neutrality
Challenge Level/XP: 1 HD (2/30), guards (3/60), tribe mother (5/240)
Special: Surprise on 1-4
A tribe mother leads a grippli lair. A tribe mother is immune to poison. Once per day, she can emit a noxious cloud of musk. The cloud spreads to a 20-foot radius around the tribe mother. Grippli within the cloud become fiercely inspired, gaining a +1 bonus on to-hit rolls for 1d4+1 rounds. Other creatures caught in the cloud must make a saving throw to avoid being rendered helpless for 1d4+1 rounds due to nausea. Those who make the saving throw are helpless for as long as they remain in the cloud plus one more round. The cloud lasts for three rounds unless dispersed by strong winds.
A tribe mother has 1d3 guards who also serve as her mates. These guards have a +1 damage bonus due to the size and strength.
For Mutant Future
Number Encountered: 1d10 (5d6)
Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 90′ (30′), Fly 150′ (50′)
Armor Class: 8 (7 for guards, 6 for tribe mother)
Hit Dice: 3 (5 for guards, 7 for tribe mother)
Attacks: 1 (weapon)
Damage: weapon
Save: L3 (L4 for guards, L5 for tribe mother)
Morale: 7
Hoard Class: XIII
XP: 80 (500 for guards, 1490 for tribe mother)
Mutations: Chameleon Epidermis, Night Vision
A guard has a +1 modifier on to-hit and damage rolls due to his greater strength. A tribe mother is immune to poison. Once per day, she may release a toxic cloud that fills a 20-foot radius with Class 10 poison. Grippli are not only immune to the cloud, but the musk grants them a +1 to-hit bonus due to increased aggression. These effects last for 1d6 rounds.