Archive for December 29th, 2020

The Ossuary Coven

Merry Christmas!

Today for For Gold & Glory, I offer up three new magic weapon. I’m still using Aegis Studios for the stock art, but this time the artists are Heather Shinn and J. M. Woiak. The weapon illustrations come from the ItWoR Stock Art Pack. (Nota Bene: Those are affiliate links.)

Within the eerie Cliff of Crypts, the covetous dead jealously guard what should be their final resting places. Somewhere among the twisting tunnels and lightless chambers lurks the Ossuary Coven, three undead hags who possess terrible magic power and know the secrets of crafting magic weapons from bone and sinew.

+1 Bone Jambiya: This magic dagger is made from the humerus of a human, demi-human, or humanoid. Its hilt is wrapped with sinew. Although it is a slashing weapon, it inflicts normal damage against skeletons. (XP: 525)

+1 Dread Sickle: This magic sickle is made from a sharpened rib, part of a jaw bone, and the femur of a human, demi-human, or humanoid. The weapon is wrapped with thick sinew. It inflicts piercing or slashing damage, as the wielder chooses. Its normal enchantment bonus is quadrupled when used in combat against the same creature type from where the femur came. Thus, a dread sickle made with an dwarven femur is +4 to hit and damage against dwarves. (XP: 650)

+1 Ghoul-Fang Club: This magic club is made from a jagged length of wood rammed through the base of a ghoul’s skull. Thick sinew holds the skull in place. If the wielder scores a hit with an unmodified roll of 18-20 while using this club in combat, the target must successfully save versus paralyzation or be frozen in place for 1d6+2 rounds or until subject to a remove paralysis spell. Elves and creatures of huge-size or larger are immune to the ghoul-fang club’s paralysis. (XP: 3,500)

December 29th, 2020  in RPG No Comments »