Archive for December 22nd, 2020

Trouble in Schuhdorf!

So, I’m on holiday until a bit after the new year. At least for now, I’m pretty much done with my Tanelorn Keep Player’s Guide. I’m thinking about starting up a meet-online game to run some players through some of the dangers of the Tanelorn Keep’s environs. Not sure I really have the time for that, so I must mull.

Whilst shifting some of the debris in my library, I stumbled across a few maps I drew on index cards. For example, see the shoe map to the right of this paragraph. I like my shoe map. It’s not great art, to be sure, but it makes me giggle a little, and that can’t be a bad thing. The original shoe map did not include location numbers. The one to the right does.

“Why?” you ask.

Well, when I’m not working on curriculum maps or gracing the family with my presence, I’m working on a short 5E D&D adventure titled The Lady in the Shoe. When done, it’ll be intended for five 2nd-level heroes, but I’ll include notes about how to scale it for weaker or stronger parties.

“So, what’s it about?” you ask.

Well, not to give too much away, but the adventure starts when the heroes return to Schuhdorf to discover that a beautiful but cruel woman has polymorphed the village’s key leaders into goats and flew away with them in a giant shoe. To make matters worse, later that same night eerie music lured several children away from their beds and into Flussenke, the nearby wooded river valley.

Schuhdorf stands in dire straits. Their spiritual leader is a kidnapped goat. The knight who oversees the village’s defenses is a kidnapped goat. Several children have vanished into the woods. Now is the time for heroes!

I hope to have the adventure ready before this coming weekend ends.

December 22nd, 2020  in RPG No Comments »