Archive for December 28th, 2020

The Elemental Hammer

Merry Christmas!

Today’s gift from me to you is a new magic item created For Gold & Glory and presented in glorious black and white in another picture from Aegis Studios. Once more, the artist is Jack Badashski, and the picture comes from Necrobyss Stock Art #1. (Nota Bene: Those are affiliate links.)

Elemental Hammer (XP: 750)

Crafted by the Dwarven Elementalsmiths of Feldspar, an elemental hammer is a stout warhammer linked by a flexible tube to a metal container carried on the back like a backpack. Runes of elemental binding decorate the container, which holds the essence of an elemental. The warhammer and container each way six pounds.

The warhammer is a +1 weapon, and its container holds elemental power. Roll 1d4: air (1), earth (2), fire (3), or water (4). The type of elemental essence within the container grants the warhammer further powers as long as the weapon remains connected to the container by its tube.

Air: The weapon has a +3 to hit and damage bonus against elemental earth creatures. Once per day upon command, the warhammer unleashes a gust of wind, as if cast by a 6th-level wizard.

Earth: The weapon has a +3 to hit and damage bonus against elemental air creatures. Once per day upon command, the warhammer projects minute meteors, as if cast by a 6th-level wizard.

Fire: The weapon has a +3 to hit and damage bonus against elemental water creatures. Once per day upon command, the warhammer casts flame arrow, as if cast by a 6th-level wizard.

Water: The weapon has a +3 to hit and damage bonus against elemental fire creatures. Once per day upon command, the warhammer casts water breathing, as if cast by a 6th-level wizard.

An attacker can target the tube connecting the warhammer to the container with an edged melee weapon. This requires an attack roll with a -4 penalty. If the tube is severed, the elemental essence within the container is harmlessly released. The warhammer itself remains a +1 weapon, but it loses its other magic properties.

December 28th, 2020  in RPG No Comments »