Mutant Wasteland Holiday Adventure

The Mutant Wasteland Holiday Adventures bundle features three post-apocalyptic products:
Metro Gnomes: A beer-and-pretzels one-shot for Geodesic Gnomes, the game of stunted mutants surviving in biosphere crawlspaces. Geodesic Gnomes is written by mapmeister Dyson Logos.
Shallows & Sharks: A half dozen marine mutants for your Mutant Future game. (Nota Bene: That’s an affiliate link the previous sentence.)
Terrors of the Toxic Waste: More than 20 mutant foes, hazards, and NPCs ready to add danger and excitement to your post-apoc world.
Get all three for $2.25, which is 50% off the regular prices.
The New School Holiday Adventures bundle of 5E-compatible material and the Old School Holiday Adventure bundle are also still available for you to stuff into someone’s virtual stocking.