Archive for December 6th, 2018

Shoes of Plenty

One of the many cool things about being Catholic is that once a year you get to eat food out of a shoe. That day is today, the feast day of St. Nicholas of Myra, who was born some time around the late 3rd century in Asia Minor. Nicholas was imprisoned for being a Christian under Diocletian, but gained his freedom after Constantine legalized Christianity (Nota Bene: Not made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire, as far too many people wrongly claim.)

Nicholas had a reputation for covert generosity, allegedly sneaking around Myra at night, chucking bags of gold through the windows of poor fathers faced with the prospect of having to sell off their daughters into slavery. Supposedly, one such bag of gold landed in a shoe, and thus the Catholic tradition of eating chocolate coins out of shoes today.

Shoes of Plenty
Wondrous item, rare

These normal-seeming shoes possess a remarkable power. When unworn and left in an unobserved place for a long rest, they magically fill with fresh fruit, nuts, and 1d6 gold pieces. The quantity of fruit and nuts is equivalent to one meal for one person.

December 6th, 2018  in RPG 1 Comment »