New School Holiday Adventures

The New School Holiday Adventures bundle brings you a stocking full of 5E-compatible material, including these titles:
Chance Encounters II, III, and IV: New monsters, new magic items, a short dungeon adventure, new spells, and even a history lesson about cinnamon.
Dangerous Women: Khatira Amrat, Kona Hættuleg, and Menyw Beryglus. Three complete NPCs who can challenge or assist your players’ characters as you see fit.
Shallows & Sharks: A half dozen aquatic predators lurk just beneath the waves.
The Dwarf: Its Old School meets New School with the dwarf character class, including two new dwarf subraces, new dwarf archetypes, and three dwarf backgrounds.
With this bundle of holiday gaming cheer, you can purchase these publications for $4.50 in toto, which is a bit more than 50% off their normal prices.
Ho, ho, hozzah!
Nota Bene: If the Old School is more your style, the Old School Holiday Adventure bundle is still available for you to stuff into someone’s virtual stocking. For $11, you get 16 OSR-compatible products.