Current Gaming Events

Merry Christmas!

The twelve days of Christmas are almost over, which means Santa’s Holiday Bag of PDFs for 5E D&D will be going away soon. If you’ve not gotten your bundle yet, there’s still time. Also, The Lady in the Shoe, a short adventure for 5E D&D, received a four-star rating today. That’s cool. I dig four stars. I’m a bit curious, however, since it’s just a rating, not a review, but still that’s four stars.

In homefront gaming news, our Saturday game, diminished to a mere two players (excluding me as GM) finished our year-long d20 Modern/Call of Cthulhu campaign that featured time travel, mind/body swapping, space stations, the return of the Old Ones, and rocket-building followers of Nyarlathotep working with Nazis in a secret base within an Egyptian pyramid.

Grant and Kelly, the last two active PCs, infiltrated the pyramid. Using a combination of stealth, memory-clouding magic, and disguises, they made their way to the payload module of the rocket. Kelly being a literal rocket scientist modified the rocket’s telemetry so that it would not complete its decades long flight toward the Sun to create the apocalyptic solar event that started the campaign in our somewhat distant future. Grant and Kelly realized they had little chance to sneaking back out of the pyramid without being detected. So, they concealed themselves in the rocket, which blasted off on schedule. Grant and Kelly died by the time the rocket left the Earth’s atmosphere, confident that they had averted the end of the world that they had witnessed from the decks of Space Station Alpha.

Our next Saturday campaign kicks off in a couple of weeks. It looks like we’re turning to Savage Worlds with elements of Broken Earth adapted to what will likely be a sandbox-style campaign. From the Broken Earth Player’s Guide, the main focus will likely be on the equipment and the community building rules. I’ve not read through much of the Broken Earth core rules, so I don’t how much that will come into play, but since I’m not GMing, I guess I don’t need to worry about that too much.

I’ve not abandoned the Cliff of Crypts. I’ve completed maps for each level of the crypts, including ghoul tunnels leading to caves. I’ll likely use the maps for a new adventure, but at the moment I’m up in the air about the adventure’s system. Not sure where I’m going to land, but possibly my feet will alight upon For Gold & Glory.

Nota Bene: The links in the previous three paragraphs are affiliate links. If you clink and buy, I get a few pennies.

January 4th, 2021  in RPG No Comments »

The Arrach

Welcome to 2021, and Merry Christmas!

Let’s kick off the New Year with another For Gold & Glory monster. This is inspired by Jack Badashski’s Reaper.


Climate/Terrain: Any
Frequency: Rare
Number Appearing: 1d8+2
Organization: Squad
Activity Cycle: Night
Intelligence: 13-14
Treasure: C (magic items are armor or weapons only)
Alignment: Lawful evil

Armor Class: 3
Movement: 12, fly 24 (MC 2)
Hit Dice: 6+6 (33 hp)
Attack: 2 by weapon
Saving Throws: Fighter 7
Special Traits: Dancing weapons, magical weapons needed to hit, snares, spell immunities
Magic Resistance: None
Size: Man-sized (about 6′ tall)
Morale: 15
Experience: 3,000

The arrach are semi-corporeal undead, shadowy figures of bone, tattered robes, and blood-stained weapons, held together by malice and bloodlust. By day, the arrach wait impatiently in sunless places. After the sun sets, the arrach rush from hiding, seeking victims in a vain attempt to sate their hunger to inflict pain and death.

Arrach hunt in squads that operate with martial discipline. They fight intelligently and ruthlessly, not hesitating to retreat in order to survive long enough to fight again.

Arrach speak whatever languages they knew in life. Most arrach were evil soldiers of some sort who died violently.

Combat: Arrach attack with weapons, favoring swords, scythes, and spears. Each arrach carries 1d4+2 weapons and 1d3 bear traps. These weapons and traps are carried by folds of tattered cloth, skeletal limbs, et cetera. The round after an arrach’s weapon inflicts damage against a living foe, the weapon animates, flying up to 30 feet per round but never moving more than 30 feet from its owner. An animated weapon attacks once per round for four rounds, using the arrach’s THAC0. After four rounds, an animated weapon returns to its owner. The arrach’s dancing weapon attacks are in addition to its normal attacks.

The arrach’s bear traps pose a more subtle threat. Each trap functions much like a snare spell cast by a 6th-level priest, except that the arrach cannot use a tree, and the beartrap inflicts 1d6+1 points of damage. Each beartrap can be used once per night, and the arrach must spend three rounds setting the trap for it to function.

Arrach are immune to normal weapons and cold-based attacks. Nonmagical silver weapons inflict only half damage to them. As undead creatures, they cannot be affected by charm, hold person, and sleep spells. Poison and paralysis are likewise powerless against them. Holy water inflicts 2d4 points of damage per vial to an arrach, and sunlight renders this monster powerless and vulnerable to mundane weapons.

January 1st, 2021  in RPG 3 Comments »

The Doorman

Merry Christmas!

It’s been quite some time since I posted anything about The Four Color Hack. The last time I did so was may back in May 2019 when I posted a villain glommed from Ms. Marvel.


The Doorman
Level 4 Metahuman

Quote: “Enjoy your stay.”
Real Name: Jacob Endo
Identity: Secret
Place of Birth: Seattle, Washington
Height: 5 ft. 6 in.
Weight: 145 lb.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black

Hit Points: 23 (4 Vigor)
Base Damage: 2d4
Powers: Acrobatics d8, Enhanced Senses d10, Karate d8, Teleportal d12

Background: Jacob Endo works serves the Doorman for the mysterious Metaplex, a interdimensional five-star resort hotel that caters to metahuman guests. The origin of Jacob’s powers and how he came to work for the Manager are topics of much speculation but few definitive answers. Jacob remains politely circumspect about his past. In the performance of his duties, Jacob is discreet, professional, and friendly. He works closely with the Metaplex’s staff, especially the Concierge and the Desk Clerk. With those two employees, Jacob is the Metaplex’s first line of defense, helping to ensure that guests have a peaceful stay.

Powers: The Doorman’s main power is his ability to create teleportals out of any sort of access point (such as a door or window) between the Metaplex and its exterior as well as within the Metaplex. By means of this power, the Doorman teleports himself, guests, et cetera. The maximum range of his teleportation is about 100 yards, sufficient to grant him access to any location within the Metaplex. People and material teleported must move through the teleportal in order to be instantly transported to the location chosen by the Doorman. He can also open a teleportal that moves through interdimensional space, thus exiting the Metaplex entirely. The Doorman can also seal the Metaplex’s interdimensional entrances, whether to affect a total lockdown or just to exclude a troublesome guest.

While he is loathe to do so, the Doorman is not incapable of using physical force to emphasize the importance of following the Metaplex’s rules. He is a skilled acrobat and martial artist. The Doorman’s senses of hearing and sight are superhumanly acute.

December 31st, 2020  in RPG No Comments »

The Cliff of Crypts

Merry Christmas!

Last post, I mentioned the eerie Cliff of Crypts and the Ossuary Coven, three undead hags who possess terrible magic power and know the secrets of crafting magic weapons from bone and sinew. It sounds like a good idea, so I whipped out some graph paper, pencils, and Paper Mate pens. Here’s the initial results:

As you can see, there are four levels within the cliff. Each level is the final unresting place of important members of the upper five social classes of the people who built the crypts. The most important social class occupies the uppermost level, and each subsequent lower level represents a lower social class. The priest and warrior levels are connected by means of a ladder, which represents that these two classes shared leadership and that mobility between the two classes was possible.

The lower three levels represent the traders, scribes, and merchants. The traders were distinct from the merchant class by virtue of the former voyaging to other lands in order to bring in wealth. Merchants did not travel. They represented mercantile interests by running shops, warehouses, et cetera. The scribes worked with all of the other classes to ensure accurate records of treaties, laws, accounts, and so on were maintained.

When the crypts were built, the valley had not yet been flooded. Some time ago, torrential rains created enormous mudslides that deforested sections of the valley’s highlands. The resulting logjam blocked the normal course of the valley’s river, creating a lake and flooding the merchant level of the crypts. During the rainy season, water levels in the lake rise sufficiently to flood the scribes’ level as well.

As you can see, I’ve penciled the priests’ level. I leaning toward adding ghoul tunnels in the space around the level. These tunnels could provide other connections to the lower levels as well as natural caves. After all, what’s a crypt complex without claustrophobic ghoul tunnels?

December 30th, 2020  in RPG No Comments »

The Ossuary Coven

Merry Christmas!

Today for For Gold & Glory, I offer up three new magic weapon. I’m still using Aegis Studios for the stock art, but this time the artists are Heather Shinn and J. M. Woiak. The weapon illustrations come from the ItWoR Stock Art Pack. (Nota Bene: Those are affiliate links.)

Within the eerie Cliff of Crypts, the covetous dead jealously guard what should be their final resting places. Somewhere among the twisting tunnels and lightless chambers lurks the Ossuary Coven, three undead hags who possess terrible magic power and know the secrets of crafting magic weapons from bone and sinew.

+1 Bone Jambiya: This magic dagger is made from the humerus of a human, demi-human, or humanoid. Its hilt is wrapped with sinew. Although it is a slashing weapon, it inflicts normal damage against skeletons. (XP: 525)

+1 Dread Sickle: This magic sickle is made from a sharpened rib, part of a jaw bone, and the femur of a human, demi-human, or humanoid. The weapon is wrapped with thick sinew. It inflicts piercing or slashing damage, as the wielder chooses. Its normal enchantment bonus is quadrupled when used in combat against the same creature type from where the femur came. Thus, a dread sickle made with an dwarven femur is +4 to hit and damage against dwarves. (XP: 650)

+1 Ghoul-Fang Club: This magic club is made from a jagged length of wood rammed through the base of a ghoul’s skull. Thick sinew holds the skull in place. If the wielder scores a hit with an unmodified roll of 18-20 while using this club in combat, the target must successfully save versus paralyzation or be frozen in place for 1d6+2 rounds or until subject to a remove paralysis spell. Elves and creatures of huge-size or larger are immune to the ghoul-fang club’s paralysis. (XP: 3,500)

December 29th, 2020  in RPG No Comments »