The Lord of Misrule
It’s April the first, which means ballyhoo and shenanigans!

Meireule “Lord of Misrule”
Armor Class: 1
Move: 15”
Hit Points: 95
No. of Attacks: 3/2
Damage/Attack: By weapon type
Special Attacks: See below
Special Defenses: Immune to enchantment/charm, and see below
Magic Resistance: 35%
Size: M (5-1/2′ tall)
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Worshiper’s Align: Any chaotic, plus revelers, children, lunatics, and entertainers
Symbol: Six-pointed star with a heart in its center
Plane: Prime Material Plane
Cleric/Druid: Nil
Fighter: 7th-level fighter
Magic-User/Illusionist: 10th-level illusionist
Thief/Assassin: 8th-level thief
Monk/Bard: 13th-level bard
Psionic Ability: IV
S: 16, I: 19, W: 12, D: 19, C: 18, CH: 20
Meireule, the Lord of Misrule, is a minor deity concerned with festivals, revels, the rowdier side of childhood, and overthrowing the established social order in favor of whimsy and anarchy. He appears as an outrageously dressed man with a large nose, neatly trimmed mustache and beard, and invariably carrying a ridiculously slender staff and a rapier.
In battle, Meireule fights with his staff or his rapier. The former strikes as a +3 quarterstaff. On any hit, the target must make a saving throw versus spell or be struck silly (as confusion, but treating results of 61 or better as “reduced to helpless laughter for 1 round”). This silliness lasts for 5-10 melee rounds. His blade strikes a +3 long sword. On any hit, the target must make a saving throw versus spell or pass out in a drunken stupor from which he cannot be stirred for 2-5 hours. Lawful creatures suffer a -4 penalty on their saving throws to resist not only Meireule’s weapons but also any of his spells.
Furthermore, no mortal that has consumed alcohol within the past hour can attempt to harm Meireule in any way (no saving throw permitted, but this effect is negated if Meireule attacks the drinker). Of course, Meireule, while not objecting to a light-hearted brawl, prefers to not engage in combat. He enjoys using his illusionist, thief, and bard abilities to sow confusion and merriment.
Like all divine beings, Meireule has the following special abilities, all of which function instantaneously and at will, but not continuously: command (no saving throw), comprehend languages (including the ability to speak or write the language as well), detect alignment, gate (3-18 leprechauns), geas (with a range of 9”), quest (with a range of 9” and no saving throw), teleport with no error, and true seeing.
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