Posts Tagged ‘ monsters ’

The Lunarians

In 1776, draughtsman Filippo Morghen published The Suite of the Most Notable Things Seen by Cavaliere Wild Scull, and by Signore de la Hire on Their Famous Voyage from the Earth to the Moon. The fantasy recounts the journey of the title characters as they leave Earth and travel to the Moon. Among the inhabitants of the Moon are people who smoke tobacco and bear a curious resemblance to certain Native Americans.

Men, Lunarian (Humanoid, Any)
Armor Class: 9
Hit Dice: 1 (M)
Move: 120′ (40′)
Attacks: 1 weapon
Damage: 1-6 or by weapon
No. Appearing: 2-5 (20-50, A)
Save As: Fighter 1
Morale: 8

Lunarians reside far from the terrestrial world, making their homes among the alien forests and marshlands of the lunar surface. They have little skill with metalworking, but Lunarians have mastered the arts of agriculture and horticulture. They cultivate all manner of useful plants, including the giant pumpkins into which they carve their homes. These pumpkins are as sturdy as brick, but so light they can float or water and can be suspended from slender tree branches without fear of collapse.

For every 20 Lunarians, there will be an additional 2nd-level fighter who acts as a leader. For every 40 Lunarians, there will be an additional 4th-level fighter war leader. In their lair, typically a village near or on water, there will be a chieftain who is either a 7th-level fighter (50% likely), 6th-level cleric (30% likely), or 5th-level magic-user (20% likely). This chieftain has a retinue of guards comprised of 2-8 4th-level fighters.

April 1st, 2022  in RPG No Comments »

The Hounds of St. Guinefort

Once upon a long time ago, a hound lived on the lands around a castle in the vicinity of Lyons, France. The hound belonged to a knight who enjoyed hunting. When the knight went out to hunt, he left his son, still an infant, under the hound’s protection. And so things went week after week, and the hound faithfully fulfilled its duties.

After a long hunt one day, the knight returned to find his infant son’s room a terrible wreck. The crib was overturned. Smears of blood stood out in horrible contrast on the walls and floor. The hound sat near the door, its muzzle grisly with gore. Enraged and grieved, the knight drew his sword and chopped off the hound’s head.

Then, the knight heard his infant son’s cries. Moving the crib aside, the knight’s tearful eyes saw two sights: his infant son alive and unhurt, and nearby the mangled corpse of a deadly viper. The faithful hound had killed the serpent to protect the baby.

Stricken by grief, the knight buried his hound beneath a small cairn. He planted trees around the grave. The trees grew quick and tall, and the peasants honored the hound as a saint, asking the hound to protect their own infants.

Hound of St. Guinefort (Planar, Lawful)
Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 3+3** (M)
Move: 210′ (70′)
Attacks: 1 bite
Damage: 2-7
No. Appearing: 2-5
Save As: Fighter 3
Morale: 9

The hounds of St. Guinefort are angelic canines believed to be the ascended spirits of heroic dogs. They appear much like muscular hounds with coats of shining fur, gold or silver in color. Their eyes glow with intelligence. These creatures can always detect evil, and they are immune to disease and poison. When fighting Chaotic creatures, the hounds have +1 to morale, to hit, and to damage. Once per day, a hound of St. Guinefort may bark instead of bite. Its bark causes 4-9 points of damage to every Chaotic creature within 30 feet of the hound. Undead within the same radius might be turned; treat the hound as a 3rd-level cleric. The hounds of St. Guinefort have infravision with a 90-foot range, and they are 75% likely to see invisible or hidden creatures. The hounds speak the languages of angels and of men.

March 1st, 2022  in RPG No Comments »

Medieval Scholasticism & the Undead

About 10 years ago, I wrote a blogpost that summarized some of medieval scholastic thought about the nature of angels as intellectual (as opposed to corporeal) beings. You can check that out by clicking here. If you don’t feel like clicking away, here’s a summary of my summary:

  1. Intellectual beings have no material substance.
  2. Intellectual beings do not mediate knowledge through sensory organs.
  3. Intellectual beings receive knowledge immediately via the intellect without the potential errors related to physical limitations.
  4. Intellectual beings are invisible, completely immaterial, and are not physically limited by time and space.

With these parameters in mind, I propose that corporeal undead in an OSRIC campaign can be treated as corpses animated by evil intellectual beings, otherwise known as demons and devils. Let’s start with a list of corporeal undead, arranged from weakest to strongest (based on XP value). I’ve left liches off the list since I think they work better as they’re normally described.

Zombie, Normal
Coffer Corpse
Juju Zombie
Monster Zombie

Next, I list demons from weakest to strongest. Devils can be treated in a similar manner, but I’ll not deal directly with them in this post. I’m ignoring the demonette and demoniac since they don’t really fit into the medieval concept of demons as intellectual beings.

Class A (Vrock)
Class B (Hezrou)
Class C (Glabrezu)
Class D (Nalfeshnee)
Class E (Marilith)
Class F (Balor)

When a demon inhabits a corpse, the demon animates the corpse as an undead monster. The easiest way to deal with this in game is to just treat the fact as background information. The undead monster’s abilities need not change. The more complicated (and interesting) choice is to modify the undead monster’s abilities based on the type of demon involved. Regardless, it might makes sense to say that a demon’s intelligence limits the type of undead it can animate. A semi-intelligent kullule could animate a skeleton or a zombie, but it couldn’t animate a ghoul since ghouls typically have low intelligence. The undead monster’s alignment changes to that of whatever animates it.

After the choices of demon and undead monster are made, select one of the demon’s abilities, plus one more ability for every two HD the demon has. Treat each spell-like special ability as a single choice. Also, don’t forget to look at the standard demonic suspectibility to attack forms. In all cases, a demon-animated undead monster may be turned by clerics of levels 8+ and paladins of levels 11+. Using these rules, groups of undead monsters of the same type may have different (even wildly) different abilities.

For example, let’s look at a wight animated by a shub (a 5+1 HD demon). Changes to the standard wight’s abilities are bold-faced and marked with an asterisk.

Shub Wight
Size: Man-sized
Move: 120 feet
Armor Class: 5
Hit Dice: 4+3
Attacks: 1 (claw)
Damage: 1d4 + level drain
Special Attacks: Level drain
Special Defenses: Fire resistance; silver or magic weapons required to hit; spell immunities
Magic Resistance: 40%*
Intelligence: Average
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Level/XP: 6/680 + 4 per hit point

Shub wights are undead corpses animated by shubs. Their undead power is linked to the negative material plane, and thus they permanently drain a level of experience from a victim when they score a hit in combat. Although they are not damaged by sunlight, they loathe the rays of the sun and do not emerge from their barrows and lairs during daylight. Shub wights are immune to sleep, hold, cold, and enchantment spells. Once per day, shub wights can teleport* (without fail, otherwise as the 5th-level magic-user spell). Fire inflicts one-half damage* to shub wights. They take 2d4 points of damage from holy water (per vial), and are destroyed by the casting of a raise dead spell. A human killed by a shub wight becomes a wight under the control of its maker.

February 13th, 2022  in RPG No Comments »

Feral Blink Dogs

While blink dogs are known for their goodness, it is not true that all blink dogs embrace the righteousness common to their kind. A rare few, almost all of whom live solitary lives, embrace Chaos, falling under the sway of the sole wicked deity in the blink dog pantheon.

Blink Dog Deities, Continued

Almost all blink dogs honor the father and mother of their kind, Bupgau and Ghavau, as well as those deities’ son, Vufhaf. Ghavau, mother of all blink dogs, has an elder sister called Gav. Bupgau spurned Gav in favor of Ghavau, and Gav vowed revenge. She whines and whimpers in the mind’s ears, urging blink dogs to reject the pack. Few blink dogs listen to Gav, but those who do become feral and monstrous.

Gav appears as an emaciated blink dog at least twice as large as normal. Her fur is sparse, and her flesh is scabrous. Her lipless jaws ceaselessly drool venom, and her ragged claws blacken the ground where she walks. Gav represents madness, cruelty, and vengeance.

Feral Blink Dog (Monstrous, Chaotic)
Armor Class: 4
Hit Dice: 4+8** (M)
Move: 150′ (50′)
Attacks: 1 bite/2 claws
Damage: 1d8/1d3/1d3
No. Appearing: 1 (1, C)
Save As: Fighter 5
Morale: 8

A feral blink dog appears as a larger, wilder member of its species. Its fangs drip with saliva, and its claws are obviously dangerous, being curved more like a raptor’s talons than the nails of a dog. Both highly intelligent and wicked, a feral blink dog as the same teleportational ability common to its kind. When attacking, it “blinks” close to an enemy, attacks, and then reappears 10 to 40 feet away. If it has the initiative, it can attack without risking a counterattack by “blinking” away. Its instincts prevent teleportational mishaps. A feral blink dog’s bite causes suppurating wounds. Half of the damage caused by its bite cannot be healed by either natural or magical means unless the victim first receives a Cure Disease.

January 24th, 2022  in RPG No Comments »

Blink Dog Clerics

A few days ago in a Facebook group, a gamer wondered what sorts of abilities an intelligent dog might have as a player character. I didn’t offer any helpful suggestions, but what I did offer inspired the rest of this post.

Blink Dog Deities

In the Forgotten Realms, a few deities think blink dogs are special to them. This doesn’t mean that blink dogs worship those deities, but it does provide idea fodder. For example, Baravar Cloakshadow, gnomish deity of illusion and deception, honors blink dogs. The other two deities are gods of wanderers, earth, and death. Interesting, I think, and a good starting point for blink dog deities.


Bupgau appears as an idealized blink dog: intelligently shining eyes, lean and strong, lustrous coat of fur, et cetera. He is clearly not of mortal origin. Bupgau is the father of all blink dogs, and it is from Bupgau that blink dogs learned how to teleport. Bupgau is clever, playful, and even a bit of a trickster, but his pranks are never malicious.


Ghavau resembles a blink dog, but her coat is black and dusty and her fangs glow whitely. She vanishes into shadows with ease and appears without warning. Ghavau is the mother of all blink dogs. She is the protectress of the den and pups, and she also welcomes blink dogs into paradise after death.


Vufhaf, son of Bupgau and Ghavau, is the brother of all blink dogs. His fur is wild, his eyes always seek, and he runs so fast that no arrow can catch him. Vufhaf teaches blink dogs the art of the hunt and the skills needed to defend the pack. He is a warrior and a provider. His battles against displacer beasts are legendary.

Blink Dog Clerics

Blink dog clerics are not common, but they do exist. A blink dog cleric seldom honors only one of the three blink dog deities. Rather, all three are paid homage at appropriate times. A blink dog cleric casts spells as a 4th-level cleric. Three special blink dog cleric spells are known to exist.

Level: 1st
Range: 0
Duration: Until discharged

When the blink dog cleric casts this spell and touches a creature, the spell imbues the recipient’s skin with magic. If the recipient takes damage from a melee attack, the recipient’s skin barks like an enraged dog. The creature who triggered the spell must make a saving throw versus Spells with a -2 penalty on the die roll. If the creature fails this saving throw, it flees for two turns (as if affected by cause fear).

Level: 1st
Range: 0 (caster only)
Duration: 1 round

The blink dog cleric casts this spell and immediately teleports up to 20 feet to make an attack against a creature. If the attack succeeds, the creature takes damage as normal. The blink dog then teleports another 20 feet, taking a single object from the creature. The object must be of an appropriate size and weight so that the blink dog can carry the object in its jaws.

Heel to Heal
Level: 2nd
Range: 0
Duration: 1 turn

When the blink dog cleric completes this spell, a 5-foot-radius zone is established around the caster. The zone moves with the caster. Once per round for the duration of the spell, a creature that teleports into the zone is healed 1d6+1 points of damage.

January 22nd, 2022  in RPG No Comments »