ThursdAD&D: Hisser Drones & Warriors
Last week, I presented my version of the hisser queen, inspired by the Gamma World mutant. To recap: “This 3-meter long half-man-half-snake inhabits the more arid regions…, often settling near an oasis or well. … Their society is matriarchal, one female leading a group of…males and young. She, like a queen bee, lays all the eggs for eat settlement, and all of them hatch as males.”

(Nota Bene: I’ve updated the hisser queen’s stats a bit.)
This week, as promised, here’re the hisser drone and the hisser warrior. Enjoy!
Hisser Drone
Frequency: Rare
No. Appearing: 8-35
Armor Class: 5
Move: 12″
Hit Dice: 2
% in Lair: 10%
Treasure Type: Nil
No. of Attacks: 1
Damage/Attack: by weapon type or 1-4
Special Attacks: Nil
Special Defenses: See below
Magic Resistance: Standard
Intelligence: Average to Very
Alignment: As queen
Size: M (6′ long)
Psionic Ability: 105-150
Attack/Defense Modes: B/FGH
Level/XP Value: II/36 + 2/hp

The hisser drone attacks either with a weapon or else with his bite. Drones are immune to fire/heat and sound-based attacks. The hisser drone is psionic. He has only the telepathy psionic ability. Hissers have no spoken or written language.
If found in their lair, there will be double the number rolled plus 1 hisser warrior for every 5 drones. A hisser lair always has one queen who resides in the lair’s egg chamber. The queen’s treasure is kept here as well. The queen is guarded by 2-20 drones and 2 warriors who fight with special ferocity, gaining a +2 on “to-hit” rolls to defend their queen.
Hisser Warrior
Frequency: Rare
No. Appearing: 1 per 5 hisser drones
Armor Class: 4
Move: 12″
Hit Dice: 6
% in Lair: 75%
Treasure Type: D, Q (x3)
No. of Attacks: 2
Damage/Attack: by weapon type (x2) or by weapon type/1-6
Special Attacks: Paralytic poison
Special Defenses: See below
Magic Resistance: Standard
Intelligence: Average to Very
Alignment: As queen
Size: L (10′ long)
Psionic Ability: 126-175
Attack/Defense Modes: B/FGH
Level/XP Value: V/425 + 6/hp
The hisser warrior attacks either with two weapons or else with one weapon and his bite. If the bite hits, a saving throw versus poison must be made to avoid being paralyzed for 2-12 turns. Warriors are immune to fire/heat and sound-based attacks. The hisser warrior is psionic. He has the clairvoyance and telepathy psionic abilities. Hissers have no spoken or written language.