Savage Wednesday: Shadow Dogs

As promised last Savage Wednesday, here’s the link to the work-in-progress The Kids’ Game campaign setting for the Savage Worlds Deluxe Explorer’s Edition game that starts this coming Saturday.
Now that you’ve read over the document, you can see the heavy borrowing from Torg by West End Games. I played Torg quite a bit while stationed in Hawaii. I was publised in two of their monster books and even got to rep WEG at a gaming convention in Honolulu. Good times.
Two key concepts from Torg are that there are alternative realities ruled by malevolent powers and that the heroes can bend the rules of reality. I’m keeping both of these concepts for The Kids’ Game, albeit in altered forms.
Speaking of those Torg monster books, they were Creatures of Aysle and Creatures of Orrorsh. One my contributions were the shadow dogs, the idea for which I took from a Grant Morrison Doom Patrol comic book.
A shadow dog is an Aylish creature which resembles a canine to some extent, but is in truth a magical creature gifted with the ability to track virtually anything with uncanny success. The shadow dog’s head is a flat wedge split by a great, drooling mouth filled with long, needle-sharp teeth. It has no eyes or ears, and relies solely on its enhanced sense of smell and its sorcerous talents. The lean, hard flesh of the shadow dog is covered with short, wiry black hairs that serve as olfactory receptors. Its large paws sport thick, curved talons.

Shadow Dog
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d4, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Climbing d6, Fighting d6, Notice d10, Stealth d6, Tracking d10
Pace: 8″
Parry: 5
Toughness: 4
Special Abilities:
Bite: STR + d4.
Detect: The shadow dog detects the “scent” of its quarry’s aura in a 100 yard radius with a Notice or Tracking roll.
Fleet-Footed: Roll a d10 when running instead of a d6.
Senses: A shadow dog is blind and deaf. Its sense of smell is supernatural, removing trait roll penalties for physical action. The shadow dog’s sense of smell functions out to 12″ under normal conditions.
Size -1