Archive for September 14th, 2018

Acidic Vapors to Burrowing Bony Digits

In 2002, I contributed several spells to Spells and Spellcraft, published by Fantasy Flight Games. I got a hankering to “repackage” some of what I remember contributing to Spells and Spellcraft for use in your 5E D&D game. Many of the spells I wrote for Spells and Spellcraft were third-edition versions of spells I created for AD&D way back when.

Acidic Vapors
2nd-level conjuration

Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You create a 20-foot-radius sphere of greenish, acidic gas centered on a point within range. The vapors spread around corners, and its area is lightly obscured. The cloud lingers in the air for the duration.

Each creature that is completely within the vapors at the start of its turn must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 2d6 acid damage and is blinded until the start of its next turn. On a successful save, it takes half as much damage and isn’t blinded.

A moderate wind (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses the vapors after 4 rounds. A strong wind (at least 20 miles per hour) disperses it after 1 round.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 2nd.

Aura of Darkness/Light
2nd-level evocation

Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self (30-foot radius)
Components: V
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You create a zone of profane power around you in a 30-foot radius. Until the spell ends, the aura moves with you, centered on you.

Aura of Darkness: You can use a bonus action to strengthen one evil creature in the aura (including you, if applicable). The target makes attack rolls, saving throws, and Dexterity (Hide) checks with advantage until the spell ends or until you designate a new target to receive these benefits.

Aura of Light: You can use a bonus action to strengthen one good creature in the aura (including you, if applicable). The target makes attack rolls, saving throws, and Wisdom (Perception) checks with advantage until the spell ends or until you designate a new target to receive these benefits.

Black Cloud of Horror
3rd-level evocation

Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 90 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You create a 20-foot-radius sphere of black mist centered on a point within range. The mist spreads around corners, and its area is heavily obscured, affecting darkvision and nonmagical light as well. The mist lingers in the air for the duration.

Each creature that is completely within the mist at the start of its turn must make a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened until the start of its next turn.

A moderate wind (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses the vapors after 4 rounds. A strong wind (at least 20 miles per hour) disperses it after 1 round.

Burrowing Bony Digits
4th-level necromancy

Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S, M (five humanoid finger bones tied together with black thread)
Duration: Instantaneous

You cause up to five skeletal fingers to fly forth and attack. Each finger hits a different creature of your choice that you can see within range. A burrowing bony digit inflicts 4d4 piercing damage and 4d4 necrotic damage. The target must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the digit burrows into the target’s flesh, inflicting 2d4 piercing damage and 2d4 necrotic damage at the end of its next turn.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the damage (both initial and later) increases by 1d4 for each slot level above 4th.

September 14th, 2018  in RPG No Comments »