Soon to be released, That’s a Goblin!?, Spes Magna’s first OSR game supplement. Written as compatible with Swords & Wizardry but usable with other OSR fantasy RPGs, That’s a Goblin!? introduces ways to make your game’s goblins different.
The free preview PDF at this link presents 23 random goblin mutations. The final version of the PDF in the works includes not only the goblin mutations but also goblin types, tactics, weapons, and stat blocks for sample goblins.
Tags: monsters, Swords & Wizardry

The Accordian Files is a complete RPG that pits the forces of accord (the player characters) against the forces of discord (run by the Discord Master). Three books comprise the system: The Player’s Book, The Discord Master’s Book, and the introductory adventure, The Ghost in the Washing Machine. All three PDFs fit on 24 pages, or you can use the PocketMod versions to fit the entire game on three sheets of paper folded up small enough to fit in your back or shirt pocket. Here’re the linkies:
Regular PDF Versions
* The Player’s Book
* The Discord Master’s Book
* The Ghost in the Washing Machine
PocketMod Versions
* The Player’s Book
* The Discord Master’s Book
* The Ghost in the Washing Machine
Tags: The Accordian Files