Archive for January 11th, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

Well, the roll out for Fencing & Firearms seems to have gone off without a hitch. My Internet ninjas report that about two-thirds of Quid Novi? subscribers have downloaded F&F. I’ve already received some great feedback, either by e-mail or on our website.

Work on The Mad Monk’s Revenge continues. This convention-style module is Pathfinder-compatible and uses F&F. It’s public debut will be at Con-Jour and at OwlCon, and it’s still scheduled to go on sale in March. Also, don’t forget: 50% of all TMMR sales will help benefit Mission of Yahweh, a Houston-area shelter that helps homeless women and children.

If you missed the debut of F&F, it’s not too late. All Quid Novi? subscribers receive both Rewarding Roleplaying and Fencing & Firearms. Speaking of Quid Novi?, issue 4 arrives in subscriber in-boxes early Sunday, 24 January 2010. Issue 4 will include another monster inspired by North American lore, a 5-Room One-Shot, and more Recommended Reading.

Finally, work has also started on Magic, Mind & Muscle, the handbook for players related to our upcoming Novus Mundus campaign world. Novus Mundus blends myth, history, and fantasy RPG within the context of the 17th and 18th centuries. The Pathfinder-compatible MM&M retools character creation, races, and classes to fit Novus Mundus at the same time it presents new interpretations of psionic classes, skills, and feats.

January 11th, 2010  in RPG No Comments »