Archive for January 5th, 2010

A Helping Hand

It’s looking like everything is on-track for the release of our first for-sale product, a one-shot adventure entitled The Mad Monk’s Revenge. It’s too early to say for sure what the cost will be, but Quid Novi? subscribers will be able to purchase TMMR with at least a 25% discount.

I’m also trying to coordinate with Mission of Yahweh, a Houston-area shelter that specializes in helping homeless women and children. In these less-than-robust economic times, Mission of Yahweh is seeing an increase in people seeking their help without a corresponding increase in resources. We here at Spes Magna Games want to help out by donating at least 50% of TMMR sales toward renovating one of the mission’s buildings that is currently not up to code and consequently unusable as a dormitory.

Issue III of Quid Novi? is taking shape. We’re also working on the most recent round of Fencing & Firearms edits. F&F is scheduled for release to Quid Novi? subscribers this coming Sunday. There’s a lot to get done before Friday since I’m going to be out of the loop at a men’s retreat Friday evening through Sunday afternoon. This ought not be a problem for Quid Novi? subscribers, however. As long as everything’s typed and in the queue, the automailer will handle delivery while I’m enjoying some much needed peace and quiet.

Finally, it’s time for another reminder that Quid Novi? accepts subscriber submissions for any of the newsletter’s regular features. We can’t pay you for your submissions, but we’re more than happy to give credit where credit is due.

January 5th, 2010  in RPG No Comments »