Clio, Muse of History

Years ago, I briefly ran a version of Clio, Muse of History, in a superhero game. Here’s a redo of her for TSR’s classic Marvel Super Heroes. I took as my starting point the Olympians from the Judge’s Book and then modified as mythologically appropriate.


Real Name: Clio
Occupation: Historian
Legal Status: Citizen of Olympus
Identity: Publicly known, but she is not widely believed to be the Muse Clio
Place of Birth: Olympus
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Zeus (father); Mnemosyne (mother); Calliope, Polyhymnia, Euterpe, Terpsichore, Erato, Melpomene, Thalia, and Urania (sisters); Hyacinth (son, deceased); Hymenaeus (son); Rhesus (son, deceased)
Base of Operations: Mobile
Past Group Affiliations: Gods of Olympus
Present Group Affiliation: None


Fighting Good (10)
Agility Excellent (20)
Strength Incredible (40)
Endurance Amazing (50)
Reason Good (10)
Intuition Excellent (20)
Psyche Incredible (40)

Health 120
Karma 70
Resources Excellent (20)
Popularity 20

Known Powers

Body Armor: Clio’s Olympian physique grants her Good (10) protection against physical attacks.

Deific Transformations: Like most Olympians, Clio can change her appearance, form, and size. This ability permits Animal Transformation – Self, Growth, Imitation, Invisibility, and Shape-Shifting at Incredible (40) ranks.

Dimension Travel: Clio can travel between Olympus and Earth with Incredible (40) ability.

Goddess: Clio is an Olympian goddess. She has the Immortality power. Clio also has Class 1000 resistance to aging and disease.

Postcognition: Clio has Monstrous (75) precognition.

Ultimate Skill – History: Clio has Unearthly (100) knowledge of history.

Other Information

Equipment: Clio often carries a lyre.

Talents: Clio has the Performer talent. She is fluent and literate in all ancient and contemporary Mediterranean languages as well as English.

Contacts: Clio has contacts among the Olympians.

July 31st, 2024  in RPG No Comments »

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