Marshlight for C&C

The 1989 Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (WHF) has few undead not already part of Castles and Crusades. Last post, I converted the Carrion. This post? The Marshlight.

Size: Small to Medium
HD: 1 (d8)
AC: 12
Saves: M, P
Move: Fly 40 ft.
Attacks: None
Special: Darkvision 60 ft., Incorporeal, Mesmerism, Undead Instability
INT: None
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Type: Undead
Treasure: 1
XP: 15 + 1/hp

From WHF 252: “Marshlights are ethereal creatures which take the form of glowing lights; they can appear to be lanterns, vaguely humanoid figures or other crude shapes. …. They are dangerous not because of any physical damage they cause, but because of the compelling hypnotic effect, by which they lead mesmerised characters to their deaths. It is thought they feed in some vampiric way upon the ebbing life forces of their victims.”

Combat: A living creature with greater than animal intelligence must make a successful charisma save upon seeing a Marshlight that is within 300 feet. Elves and half-elves apply their resistance to charms to his save. If the save is successful, the creature is immune to that Marshlight’s mesmerism for 24 hours. Mesmerised victims walk toward the Marshlight, taking the most direct route available. Mesmerised victims takes no actions other than to defend themselves and move toward the Marshlight. A mesmerised victim who takes damage or who loses line-of-sight to the Marshlight is freed from that Marshlight’s enchantment.

Incorporeal: Marshlights exist only partially within the mortal realms; most of their essence resides in the ethereal. A creature in the mortal realms cannot attack a Marshlight except with magical weapons of +1 or better. Marshlights are immune to cold- and fire-based attacks.

October 9th, 2023  in RPG No Comments »

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