Dangerous Barrel Cacti

A post for today featuring yet another new AD&D monster? Can do easy!

Frequency: Uncommon
No. Appearing: 4-24
Armor Class: 8, 6, or 4 (see below)
Move: up to 12″
Hit Dice: 1+1 to 3+3
% in Lair: Nil
Treasure Type: Nil
No. of Attacks: 1
Damage/Attack: See below
Special Attacks: See below
Special Defenses: See below
Magic Resistance: Standard
Intelligence: Animal
Alignment: Neutral
Size: S to L (3′ diameter per HD)
Psionic Ability: Nil
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil
Level/XP Value: 1+1 HD (III/56 + 2/hp), 2+2 HD (III/95 + 3/hp), 3+3 HD (IV/160 + 4/hp)

Zenis resemble ordinary barrel cacti, at least until they attack or move. These carnivorous plants move via rolling, and it takes time for them to build up speed. On the first round, zenis roll at 3″, and this speed increases by 3″ per round until a maximum speed of 12″ is reached.

As zenis increase in size, their exteriors become thicker and more resistant to injury. The smallest zenis are AC 8. Medium-size zenis are AC 6, and the largest zenis are AC 4.

Zenis attack one of two ways: rolling into their prey or by releasing a cloud of spines. A creature struck by a rolling zeni takes damage based on the zeni’s size and speed. A 1+1 hit die zeni inflicts 1-4 points of damage. This damage increases to 2-8 points for a 2+2 hit dice zeni and to 3-12 points for a 3+3 hit dice zeni. The monster inflicts additional damage equal to its movement rate divided by 3. So, a 3+3 hit dice zeni moving at 9″ inflicts 6-15 points of damage when it rolls into a creature. If the creature struck by a rolling zeni is not larger than the zeni, the creature may be knocked down unless it succeeds on a saving throw versus breath weapon. The saving throw is made with a +4 modifier if the creature is same size as the zeni.

Usually after it rolls into its prey, a zeni releases a cloud of spines. Each spine has wing-like structures that enable it to buzz about much like an insect. The spines fill a sphere in a 10-foot radius around the zeni. Creatures within the cloud sustain 1 hit point of damage for each melee round they remain in it, regardless of armour class. The referee will cause all creatures with one or fewer hit dice to check morale. Fire will force the spines back to their zeni, and a fireball clears the spines from its blast area. The spines lasts for up to 2 melee rounds for each of the zeni’s hit dice, and then they return to their zeni.

Zenis take half damage from lightning attacks. They are immune to fear, poison, and paralysis.

July 27th, 2020  in RPG No Comments »

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