Savage Wednesday: Whoosh!

The Kids’ Game campaign using Savage Worlds Deluxe Explorer’s Edition is on a brief hiatus. Last Saturday would have been our next session, but folks were out of town or otherwise unavailable. This is probably a good thing. The next session looks to be a bit, well, busy. The kids in the forms of their pulp hero characters are holed up in Watusi, a small African town at the edge of Leopard Man territory. Pharaoh Doctor Mobius has a detachment of stormtroopers moving toward the fabled Temple of Tears, presumably to ambush the heroes when they show up with the Tiles bearing the secrets to finding the Chalice of Possibilities.
Realizing forewarned is forearmed, the heroes beat the streets and broke into some offices to gather intelligence. One of Mobius’s lieutenants, the inscrutable and deadly Wu Han, is en route via airship with more stormtroopers. Elements of the Resistance have allied themselves with the heroes while collaborators make ready to welcome Wu Han. In short, the heroes sit on a powder keg of potential insurrection. Hundreds of lives hang in the balance.
Like I said: busy. On the plus side, the next session presents a great opportunity to test out the Allies and Mass Battles rules, so I got that going for me.
And now, for no particular reason, the first monster in the AD&D Monster Manual. (Nota Bene: The links above are affiliate links.)
Aerial Servant
The aerial servant is a semi-intelligent form of an air elemental, typically encountered only due to conjuration by a cleric.
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, Strength d12+2, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d10, Notice d10
Charisma: —
Pace: —
Parry: 7
Toughness: 9
Special Abilities:
Elemental: An aerial servant takes no additional damage from called shots. It is Fearless, and immune to disease and poison.
Flight: An aerial servant flies at a rate of 12″ with a Climb of 3. It may not run.
Ethereal: An aerial servant cannot be harmed by nonmagical attacks.
Invisibility: An aerial servant is naturally invisible. Its presence can be detected due to disturbances in the air. A character may detect an aerial servant with a Notice roll at -4. Once detected, an aerial servant may be attacked, but with a -4.
Size +3: An aerial servant is about 8 feet tall.
Slam: STR+d6.
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