Savage Wednesday: Nile Dangers!

The Kids’ Game campaign continues. The heroes left behind Miami, Florida, in the 1980s and entered the Nile Empire, a strange mixture of ancient Egyptian society, Depression-era pulp noir, weird science, and masked men of mystery. Transformed from 8th-graders into men of action, the heroes found themselves thwarting attempted murder by giant scorpion, matching wits and bullets and fists against a master of disguise, and racing against the agents of the diabolical Wu Han, servant of Pharoah Doctor Mobius, to retrieve a set of mysterious tiles stolen from the Temple of Tears deep in be-jungled Leopard Man territory. The tiles, it is said, must be restored to their original configuration in the Temple in order to reveal the location of the fabled Chalice of Possibilities, an obscure but allegedly powerful artifact that several would-be world conquerors seek to possess.
Among foes faced by the heroes were a Priestess of Sobek and an Avatar of Sobek, a monstrous crocodile. Between the Avatar’s jaws and the Priestess’s fear magic, the heroes nearly met defeat.
Avatar of Sobek (Wild Card)
Larger and more powerful than most Nile crocodiles, the Avatar of Sobek bears the hieroglyph of Sobet on its head, branded between its eyes. It obeys its mistress’s orders.

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d8, Strength d12+4, Vigor d12
Skills: Fighting d10, Notice d12, Swimming d10
Charisma: —
Pace: 4
Parry: 7
Toughness: 12
Special Abilities:
Aquatic Pace: 6
Bite: STR+d6
Tail: STR+d6. The Avatar of Sobek cannot target the same creature with its bite and its tail.
Death Roll: With a raise, the Avatar of Sobek inflicts +2d4 damage.
Size +4: The Avatar of Sobek is more than 20 feet long.
Priestess of Sobek (Wild Card)
Scaly fleshed and wearing a crocodilian mask, the Priestess of Sobek is a fearsome enemy.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d10, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d10, Notice d12, Swimming d10
Charisma: +0
Pace: 6
Parry: 6
Toughness: 7
Special Abilities:
Aquatic Pace: 5
Crocodile Fang Sword: STR+d6
Crocodile Paw Throwing Knife: STR+d4 (3/6/12 range)
Miracles of Sobek: The Priestess has 10 Power Points to spend on Beast Friend and Fear. She gets a +2 to influence reptiles, but has a -2 to influence other animals.
Scaly Blessing: +2 TOU
And, just because I did it for two other game systems, here’s a third version of the bearboar:
“Everybody died,” the scientist claims. The grizzly boar charged through the grounds and impaled the rich hunters, one after the other, on its sharp tusks. Though it was shot a few times, the creature seemed to have no problem absorbing bullets.

Mad scientists in a lab with poor security? Of course. Sheesh, what fresh hell will it be this time?
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d8, Strength d12+4, Vigor d12
Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d8, Swimming d6
Charisma: —
Pace: 8
Parry: 6
Toughness: 10
Special Abilities:
Bear Hug: A bearboar that hits with a claw and gets a raise has pinned its foe. The foe may only attempt to escape the “hug” on his action, which requires a raise on an opposed Strength roll.
Bulletproof: The bearboar’s mutated hide negates up to 4 AP from bullets and provides +4 protection from them as well. This bonus is not added to the bearboar’s Toughness above.
Claws: STR+d6
Improved Frenzy: The bearboar can make two Fighting attacks each action at no penalty.
Tusks: STR+d6. If the bearboar can charge at least 6″ before attacking with its tusks, it adds +4 to its damage total.
Size +2: The bearboar is more than 8 feet long and weighs more than 1,000 pounds.
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