The Tusked Shifter

Today, another new (sort of) monster for Shadowdark but this time the art is by the wonderful JE Shields JE Shields. The art is used by permission.

Shifter, Tusked

Bizarre sort of great cat with dark fur over taut muscles. A whip-like tail. From its back barbed tentacles grow. Armored skull, beak-like nose, large maw full of fangs flanked by long, curved tusks. Heavy talons on its paws.

AC 12, HP 39, ATK 2 barbed tentacles +4 (1d6) and 1 gore +4 (2d4), MV near, S +4, D +2, C +2, I -2, W +2, Ch -2, AL C, LV 6

Charge. Move up to double near in straight line and make 1 gore attack. If it hits: x2 gore damage.

Shifted. Appears to be about a yard from where it is. Attacks relying on sight against it have disadvantage. It makes saving throws against directs attacks with advantage.

October 18th, 2024  in RPG No Comments »

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