Of Games & Health

In March of 2023, I had a brain thing related to my migraines, which I’ve experienced since at least middle school (so, circa 1977) or thereabouts. The brain-thing was a few minutes of aphasia and aura. I was in Austin, Texas, with my daughter Adrienne, and we were ready for the drive back to Houston. I sat in the driver’s seat. Adrienne asked me a question, and I couldn’t answer. I knew what I wanted to say, but the words wouldn’t leave my brain through my mouth. At the same time, the aura narrowed my field vision into a blurry circle framed by lights of shifting colors. Adrienne thought I was having a stroke. The aphasia and aura passed entirely after a few minutes, with the aphasia going away first. Adrienne drove us back to Houston.

My migraines almost always start with aura and then move into light sensitivity and pain. During a migraine, nerve cells and blood vessels in the brain stop acting right, and the migraine proceeds through several phases. The last phase is something like having a hangover, and my brain got stuck in this last phase for weeks while I got scanned and experimented on with different vitamins and dosages of meds. Fortunately, despite decades of untreated migraines, I have no structural brain damage, but it does look like there are some functional changes.

The main two are an increased inability to focus on a task for extended periods of time and an decreased ability to process short-term memory into longer-term memory. Put simply, I get distracted more easily, and I’m more likely to forget things. To combat the latter, I’m working on taking better notes in a more organized manner. To-do lists are a regular part of my day, and they are helping.

But my memory issues are complicating my gaming.

I currently run an occasional Wednesday night game (Dungeon Crawl Classics/Mutant Crawl Classics mash-up), an every other Saturday game (Castles & Crusades with elements of Dungeon Crawl Classics), an occasional Sunday game (ShadowDark), a student game-club for 6th graders (Castles & Crusades) and for 7th/8th graders (ShadowDark). This is getting laborious.

Don’t get me wrong. I enjoy the games. I enjoy the players. I enjoy being the GM. But I’m finding it hard to keep the details of the different games and systems straight, even with the notes I’m taking.

One thing I have noticed is that it’s easier for me to prepare for and keep track of the games using the less crunchy systems, which makes the two ShadowDark games where I feel most confident and most able to keep track of details from session to session. After that, Castles & Crusades is next easiest for me (likely owing to its similarities to 1E AD&D). While I adore Dungeon Crawl Classics/Mutant Crawl Classics, they present me the most challenges in terms of remembering how the games work. (I think this is likely true of my players as well, some of whom I’m know are only playing Dungeon Crawl Classics/Mutant Crawl Classics because I said I wanted to run it. About half my players would prefer Savage Worlds or something d20 System-related.)

Mixed up in all of this is the plain fact that I’m not getting any younger. I can remember the days when I could run four miles in 24 minutes flat, and when I could do at least a dozen one-armed pull-ups with either arm. Those days are gone, and they are exceedingly unlikely to return given the joint health of my left knee and right shoulder. I’m more or less used to the reduced physical strength, speed, and endurance, and I know more exercise and better diet are helping improve all three.

But the past going on two years has been my first experience with decreased mental strength, speed, and endurance. It’s a wee bit annoying. More exercise and better diet will help my brain, but, just as with the chronic low-level knee pain, it seems that a somewhat less efficient brain is my new normal.

What does this mean for my various games? I don’t know yet.

December 9th, 2024  in RPG No Comments »

The Sciurus for Savage Worlds

It’s been a while since I posted anything for Savage Worlds, so here’s a new race for that game.

Sciurus (Race Value: 2)
Attribute Increase – Agility: During character creation, a Sciurus increases Agility one die type. This increases the Trait’s maximum by one as well.
Hindrance – Minor: A Sciurus has an innate fear of predatory birds.
Size -1: A Sciurus is smaller than average, reducing its Size and Toughness by 1.
Skill – Athletics: A Sciurus starts with a d6 in Athletics, and the skill’s maximum increases to d12+1.

November 3rd, 2024  in RPG No Comments »

The Tusked Shifter

Today, another new (sort of) monster for Shadowdark but this time the art is by the wonderful JE Shields JE Shields. The art is used by permission.

Shifter, Tusked

Bizarre sort of great cat with dark fur over taut muscles. A whip-like tail. From its back barbed tentacles grow. Armored skull, beak-like nose, large maw full of fangs flanked by long, curved tusks. Heavy talons on its paws.

AC 12, HP 39, ATK 2 barbed tentacles +4 (1d6) and 1 gore +4 (2d4), MV near, S +4, D +2, C +2, I -2, W +2, Ch -2, AL C, LV 6

Charge. Move up to double near in straight line and make 1 gore attack. If it hits: x2 gore damage.

Shifted. Appears to be about a yard from where it is. Attacks relying on sight against it have disadvantage. It makes saving throws against directs attacks with advantage.

October 18th, 2024  in RPG No Comments »

More Undead to Dread

Another Shadowdark post with more wonderful art by Fernando Salvaterra. All art is used by permission.

King of Corruption

Tentacles squirm, appear, and disappear. Tendrils wriggle in place of its lower jaw. Glowing white eyes shine malevolently. Rich robes and cape shift as if the body beneath has no set form or number of limbs.

AC 16, HP 57, ATK 1d4 tendrils +5 (1d6 plus disease), MV near, S +1, D +4, C +3, I +2, W +3, Ch +2, AL C, LV 10

Command Undead. Skeletons and zombies obey its commands.

Disease. DC 16 CON or infected. DC 16 CON each day or lose 2d4 HP (can’t heal naturally). Ends on success.

Disintegrate into Swarm. Collapses into a writhing mass of biting tendrils. Moves and attacks as a rat swarm (Shadowdark 245). Regenerates 1d8 HP on its turn unless wounds are cauterized with holy water.

Greater Undead. Immune to morale checks. Only damaged by silver or magical sources.

Reaper, Skeletal

Mottled bones almost devoid of tissue. Pinpoints of light for eyes. Ragged clothing and cloak. A blood-stained scythe ready to strike!

AC 14, HP 15, ATK 1 scythe +3 (1d10), MV near, S +3, D +0, C +2, I +0, W +2, Ch +2, AL C, LV 3

Greater Undead. Immune to morale checks. Only damaged by silver or magical sources.

Lasting Wounds. Damage from its scythe can be healed only by nonmagical means.

October 15th, 2024  in RPG No Comments »

Two Killer Kobolds

I think Shadowdark is my new favorite game. I’m running it for a group of middle school students during our lunch/recess hour. So far, everyone says they’re having fun.

I’m also enjoying Fernando Salvaterra’s wonderful artwork. This time, I offer up two of his kobolds as monstrous NPCs. As always, I’ve used these pic with permission, and you should consider supporting Fernando via his Patreon.

Dalto the Daring

Gleaming armor and flashing blade! Dalto the Daring darts and jabs, barking strange quips in his native tongue.

AC 16 (chainmail), HP 17, ATK 1 Sharpsteel +6 (1d6+3), MV near, S +0, D +3, C +1, I +0, W -1, Ch +1, AL C, LV 3

Acrobatic Flourish. Move up to near and make a DC 12 Dexterity check.

  • Success = Advantage on next melee attack this round
  • Critical success = As success and +2 AC for one round
  • Critical failure = Melee attacks against Dalto have advantage for one round

Dalto’s Sharpsteel. This +1 shortsword has the finesse quality. Dalto has weapon mastery with this blade.

Dodge. 1/day, an attack that would hit misses instead.

Moldo of the Evil Doll’s Head

Sinister and sibilant! Moldo commands dark magic and wields a hell-crafted staff to which he often speaks. When he listens, does he hear the doll’s head’s evil words?

AC 13 (leather), HP 18, ATK 1 +1 staff +4 (1d4) or 1 spell +3, MV near, S -1, D +2, C +0, I +1, W +1, Ch +3, AL C, LV 4

Dodge. 1/day, an attack that would hit misses instead.

Scorpion Sting (CHA Spell). DC 11. Near range, one target. 1d6 damage and target has disadvantage on next attack roll or check.

Sinister Distractions (CHA Spell). DC 13. Near range, one target. For 1d10 minutes, the target hears eerie noises and glimpses disturbing shapes that impose disadvantage on checks related to concentration and perception. A target with keen senses (e.g., a goblin) can be surprised normally while the spell is in effect. A successful Wisdom check by the target reduces the duration to 1d10 rounds.

Spider Swarm (CHA Spell). DC 12. A spider swarm appears within near. Stays 1d4 rounds. Follows sorcerer’s commands.

Staff of the Evil Doll’s Head. This +1 staff that enables a spellcaster to cast illusion (DC 13 Intelligence check). Moldo cannot use this ability; he doesn’t even know about it. On a critical failure with illusion, the staff summons a barbed devil that attempts to slay the staff’s user and then disappear with the staff.

October 1st, 2024  in RPG No Comments »