ThursdAD&D: Candles of Life and Mortids
Well, I’ve not done a very good job keeping up with this blog, my writing, et cetera, over the past two or so weeks. Not sure why. No excuses. Here I go again.

First up is a magic item inspired by The Moody Blues, probably the first prog rock band. The song is “Candle of Life” from To Our Children’s Children’s Children.
“Something you can’t hide says you’re lonely. / Hidden deep inside of you, only / It’s there for you to see. Take a look and be. / Burn slowly, the candle of life.”
Candle of Life: A candle of life is a magical taper that bolsters the life force of the one who lights it. The candle illuminates a 15-foot radius, and it will burn for 4 hours. It is possible to extinguish the candle by typical means, but it can be placed in a lantern or otherwise sheltered to protect it from drafts, et cetera. While the candle burns, the one who lit it must remain within the its radius of illumination to gain the following benefits. The user regenerates 1 hit point per turn so long as he or she is not dead. The user gains a +4 bonus to saving throws against disease, death magic, energy drain, poison, and aging. If one of these effects would not allow a saving throw, the candle‘s user is entitled to a saving throw, but with no special bonus.
Next up, how about a new monster by a talented artist? Visit this site and check out a few creatures created by Lukaz Jaskolski. The monster below is inspired by his bug horror entitled “Predator Creature 1”. Enjoy!
Frequency: Rare
No. Appearing: 1-6
Armor Class: 2
Move: 15″
Hit Dice: 8+8
% in Lair: 40%
Treasure Type: J-N, Q (x2)
No. of Attacks: 5
Damage/Attack: 1-6/1-6/2-5/2-5/1-4
Special Attacks: See below
Special Defenses: See below
Magic Resistance: Standard
Intelligence: Average
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Size: M
Psionic Ability: Nil
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil
Level/XP Value: VII/2,200 + 12/hp
The mortid is a horrific undead creature with a thick carapace and a skull-like visage. It scuttles about on four legs, and it attacks with its four claw-like appendages and its jagged teeth. Like most undead, the mortid hates the living, especially all types of elves.
This monster is stealthy and expert at camoflauge. It surprises prey on a roll of 1-4 (out of 6). The mortid can leap 3″ upon prey in order to attack. Its upper limbs strike with scimitar-like blades. Its lower striking appendages are blunter but still effective weapons. The mortid’s bite is not especially strong, but it has a powerful negative force that drains 1 life energy level from the victim, complete with corresponding losses in hit dice, ability level, attack level, et cetera.
The mortid is affected only by magical weapons. It regenerates at a rate of 3 hit points per melee round, but is destroyed if brought to 0 hit points. Sleep, charm, and hold spells do not affect the mortid. Neither does poison or paralysis, and it takes only half damage from spells based on cold or electricity.
Holy water splashed upon the mortid causes 2-7 hit points of damage per vial-full that strikes the monster. A cleric can turn the mortid as if it were a vampire.
Any elf drained of all life energy by the mortid becomes a half-strength mortid under the control of its slayer. This transformation takes place 1 day after the elf is buried, but only if the elf is buried. If the mortid which slew the elf is itself killed, the mortids created by it become free-willed monsters.