Archive for April 7th, 2021

Do the Batusi!

Over the past few days, I’ve tooled about a bit more with Green Ronin Publishing’s Mutants & Masterminds (M&M), which has a robust character creation system that so far has never failed to emulate whatever character concept I’ve come up with. (Caveat: Some character concepts, however, become problematic operating within a specific power point budget. If I’m like the government and just pretend budgets don’t matter, then even the sky’s not a limit.)

For example, I created Major Challenger, a Power Level 10 hero, who is an interdimensional astronaut who explored subatomic universes until his diminution device malfunctioned, trapping him on Earth as a 30-foot tall giant. Via the remaining functions of the diminution device, he can shrink down to one-sixth his normal size. Major Challenger is a “street legal” PL 10 character built with the standard budget of 150 power points. If you’d like to take a gander at Major Challenger, click here.

M&M can also be used to create specific effects that model a movie hero’s special abilities. Who can forget that time when Batman used his hypnotic dance skills to get the drop on King Tut and his goons? Don’t you wish your hero could do the Batusi? Of course you do.

The Batusi
Effect: Perception-Ranged, Concentration-Duration, Cumulative Affliction; Limited to Two Degrees with Instant Recovery. Cost: 2 points per rank.

You perform a stunning series of improvised but fascinating dance moves. Those able to see you get a Dodge resistance check. If successful, they suffer no effects from your dance (although that also means they can’t see you). Targets who see your dance must make a Will resistance check against your effect DC. One degree of failure renders a target entranced by your performance. Two degrees of failure makes the target helpless. In subsequent turns, if you take a standard action to continue dancing, targets who can see you must make new resistance checks. Those who watch your dance long enough likely end up defenseless due to the cumulative effects of your sweet moves. Affected targets recover at the end of the turn you stop dancing (no resistance check required).

April 7th, 2021  in RPG No Comments »