Operation: Lovecraft?
Nota Bene: The H.P. Lovecraft picture is from Publishers Choice Quality Stock Art, copyright Rick Hershey/Fat Goblin Games.
Yes, I know about Achtung! Cthulhu. By all accounts, it’s a great game, but I don’t own it. I do, however, own The Cthulhu Hack and WWII: Operation WhiteBox, which are also great games. So, what if I combined the latter two, while perhaps drawing some inspiration from the second edition of the also-great The Black Hack?
In my mash-up, the PCs fight against the Axis. They’re also fighting against the Thule Society, an occult society that directs much of Nazi Germany’s occult activities, operating through the Heereswaffenamt (HWA) (with its Wissenschaft (HWW) and Okkulte (HWO) divisions) as well as the Ahnenerbe, a Nazi-backed archaeological and occult organization. (Nota Bene: These groups come from the “Mini-Setting: Nazi Occult” section of WWII: Operation WhiteBox.)
Some character classes come from WWII: Operation WhiteBox. These are the Charmer, Combat Engineer, Grunt, Maquis, Sniper, Tactician, Wheelman, and Überläufer. There are also civilian assets, specifically the Bruiser, Ruffian, Adventurer, Philanthropist, and Scholar, all adapted from The Cthulhu Hack. Or, at least at the moment, I’m thinking that’s how things could work out. Thus, a group of PCs could be comprised entirely of commandos, entirely of civilians, or of a combination of the two. I also might adapt The Cthulhu Hack classes into expanded background “packages” for the military and partisan classes.
For example, let’s explore what the Charmer might look like. This is a very rough draft. The Commando Usage Die would apply to doing commando things, like scaling a cliff, setting an explosive charge, et cetera. It represents the “Special Forces Training” rule found in WWII: Operation WhiteBox (p. 37). Flashlights, Sanity, and Smokes work as described in The Cthulhu Hack.
The Charmer
Charmers rely on a combination of wits and natural charisma to influence others and avoid trouble. They often play support roles in operations, acting as negotiators, translators, and liaisons, but charmers can pull their weight in a fight when necessary.
Starting Stats
Starting HP: 1d6+2
Starting HD: 1d6
Attack Damage: 1d6 or 1d4 in unarmed
Usage Dice
Commando: d6
Flashlights: d8
Sanity: d8
Smokes: d10
Special Features
Detect Deception: Roll with Advantage when attempting to detect deception.
Loyal Allies: The Charmer has a special Loyal Allies Usage Die that starts at a d4. Given time and the proper means and location, the Charmer can call upon a number of allies equal to the Usage Die roll.
His Mind of His Own: Roll with Advantage when resisting attempts to influence the Charmer.
Gaining a New Level
Acquire and share a number of Experiences equal to current HD to advance a Level. When a Level is gained:
Attributes: Roll 1d20 for each Attribute. If you roll over, that Attribute goes up by one. Make an extra roll for either Dexterity or Charisma.
Hit Dice: Gain one HD. Roll 1d6 and gain that many additional maximum HP.
Usage Dice: At every odd-numbered level, increase one Usage Die by one step.