Archive for April 15th, 2019

Triumphal Mien

And as [Jesus] went, they spread their clothes underneath in the way. And when he was now coming near the descent of mount Olivet, the whole multitude of his disciples began with joy to praise God with a loud voice, for all the mighty works they had seen, saying: “Blessed be the king who cometh in the name of the Lord, peace in heaven, and glory on high!” And some of the Pharisees, from amongst the multitude, said to him: “Master, rebuke thy disciples.” To whom he said: “I say to you, that if these shall hold their peace, the stones will cry out.” (The Gospel According to St. Luke 19:36-40)

Triumphal Mien (Enchantment/Charm)
Level: Cleric 6
Range: 0
Duration: 8 hours/level
Area of Effect: 1″ + 1″/level of spell caster radius sphere
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 turn
Saving Throw: Special

By means of this spell, all living creatures with more than animal intelligence that are within the radius of the spell or who enter the radius of the spell view the cleric as comrade, friend, and/or leader. There is no saving throw against this effect the first time a creature enters the radius. The charmed creatures love and respect the cleric. They listen trustingly and obey requests insofar as communication is possible and the requests seems plausible and do not subject the one charmed to needless injury, destruction, or do not go against the creature’s alignment or nature. Requests that violate these strictures permit automatically end the spell’s effects on that creature. A creature that exits and/or re-enters the radius is also permitted a saving throw (with a +2 bonus). Success ends the charm on that creature. Otherwise, saving throws are permitted against this spell’s effects as described under charm person or mammal.

The material component is several palm fronds woven into a circlet.


I still have two gaming items for sale via eBay. If you’re interested, check these out, and maybe even put in a bid.

Heroes of Olympus: A Task Force Role Playing Game was published as a boxed set in 1981. Conceived and written by B. Dennis “Chariot of” Sustare, this unusual game combines fantasy roleplaying in mythical Greece with squad level wargaming action. This game was (at least) almost unique among roleplaying games of the time.

I wrote Path of Legend for the Dawnforge: Crucible of Legend campaign setting published by Fantasy Flight Games using the d20 System. This adventure was designed to introduce players to Dawnforge. According to the front cover, it is a “Legendary Quest in the World of Dawnforge”. According to the back cover, “The adventure leads new heroes from 1st to 5th level, and also offers them the chance to earn their first legend point. The adventure provides a compelling mix of location and event-based encounters, and rewards roleplaying and puzzle-solving as well as combat.”

April 15th, 2019  in RPG No Comments »