The man-owl is a malignant monster that seeks to spread fear and chaos. It flies magically and in total silence. Those who meet a man-owl’s gaze often fall into the grip of crippling apprehension. To help the man-owl terrorize more adventurers and spread even more fear and chaos, its stats are presented below for both Swords & Wizardry and Dungeon World.
Hit Dice: 3+6
Armor Class: 6 [13]
Attacks: 2 claws (1d6), 1 bite (1d4)
Move: 12 (Fly 15)
Special: Doom gaze, flies silently, -2 to all die rolls in bright light
Saving Throw: 14
Alignment: Chaos
Number Encountered: 1
Challenge Level: 5/240
Doom Gaze Effects: If the victim fails his saving throw, he suffers a -2 penalty to attack rolls and saving throws. Every day, a victim of the man-owl’s doom gaze is permitted a new saving throw (with the -2 penalty) to overcome these baleful effects.
Intelligent, Solitary, Stealthy
Claws (d6+2 damage)
10 HP
0 Armor
Close, Messy
Special Qualities: Look causes crippling apprehension, magical flight
Instinct: To spread fear and chaos
* Make eye contact
* Rend and screech
* Pull someone into the air
Tags: Dungeon World, monsters, Swords & Wizardry

Here are several more hybrid animal science projects. Mixed in with the pics of the projects is one of me posing with a torat, the cat/tortoise hybrid that one of the students made to accompany his display. I have two left to grade, both of which were done as PowerPoint presentations. I can upload those to Google Docs and post the links, but I’m leery to do so. As Lord Acton observed, “Power tends to corrupt; PowerPoint corrupts absolutely.” (buh-dum-ching!)
All in all, this assignment was a success. If I’m teaching science next year, I’ll definitely have to repeat this one.
Tags: Weird Science Projects

Back in early February, Mark CMG, the owner of Creative Mountain Games, posted a link from his Grymvald Gazetteer to David Maliki’s inspirational “The Zoological Times Table“. I eventually got around to printing out the table. Then I assigned a different hybrid animal to each of my 5th graders along with instructions about how to complete a zoological science project about the assigned animals.
As I get the projects graded and pictures taken of them, I’ll upload the pictures to the site here, which explains the surrounding pictures. Clicking on a picture embiggens it. (I just set a personal record for the number of times I’ve used the word “picture” in a single paragraph.)
Tags: Weird Science Projects