Archive for July 23rd, 2011

d12 Power!

After quite a slump in writing output, I’m back in stride. I’ve nearly completed the first draft of Dodeca Weather, a new PDF that harnesses d12 power to determine your campaign’s weather. A few finishing touches remain before the draft PDF gets emailed to my growing list of playtesters. Excellent!

Dodeca Weather‘s GM-friendly, step-by-step process considers climate, altitude, terrain, and season to determine temperature, wind speed, and weather events. Weather characteristics include amount of precipitation, duration, wind speed, and the odds of a weather event continuing after its initial duration has expired. There are also about 6 pages of rules for different weather events, consolidating and expanding upon the core rules. Last of all, the PDF comes with a handy 7-day weather worksheet to help you organize your meteorological data.

Dodeca Weather is scheduled for released around the third Sunday in August.