Archive for July 24th, 2010

The Zombies Are Coming! The Zombies Are Coming!

Take some time to check out Troll in the Corner. They’ve got some intriguing content on their website.

I was first clued in about this company via a Pathfinder book giveaway contest. It’s sort of an Internet honey-do list. Visit here. Like this. Follow that. Complete the instructions, and you get a chance to win nifty Pathfinder stuff, including three hardback books: the bestiary, the core rule book, and the GameMastery Guide. You can read all about this spiffy contest by clicking on this sentence.

If you’re not into contests, I heartily recommend you check out the World of Aruneus patronage project. This looks like some good zombie-smashing fun. Makes me wish I had a full-time job so that I could jump in at least the $10 level.

July 24th, 2010  in Contest, RPG No Comments »