Going to Grind My Nose
I’ve got a three-way tie for first place between Shane, Charles, and Allon in the subscriber-drive contest. Awesome work to all!
Unfortunately, I don’t have the prizes ready, and I feel like a grade-A heel as a result. Getting re-adapted to being back in the classroom has taken more effort than I thought it would, and I’ve gotten virtually no writing done in nearly two weeks.
Please don’t fret or be angry, however. I may be slow, but I am a man of my word. All three winners will receive Fencing & Firearms and The Case of the Purloined Princess as soon as they are completed.
Regarding the latter, Darren Calvert is just about done with the cover, and it looks great. I’ll get the cover image up and on display for the world to see in a few days.
And that’s it for this post. It’s nearly 5:30 in the morning. I’ll be heading to work soon. Tonight, I’m going to put my nose to the grindstone and get back to writing, which is awfully hard to do with one’s nose pressed against a rough surface, but I shall persevere.
Thanks to everyone for their support and patience.