Three Celestial Swords

The wonderful sword illustrations below are by Fernando Salvaterra, and I’ve used them with permission. If you’re looking for a great artist to support via Patreon, check Fernando out here.

Moon Sword. This +1 shortsword sheds light out-of-doors depending on the phase of the Moon: new (no light), crescent (5-ft. radius), quarter (10-ft. radius), gibbous (15-ft. radius), full (20-ft. radius). A shapeshifter wounded by the Moon Sword must make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or revert to its natural form and stay in that form until the next moonrise.

Sword of Stars. The bearer of this +2 shortsword cannot become lost when traveling under the night sky. A Lawful bearer can cast with a successful DC 15 Wisdom check the spell Prophecy once per week (assuming the bearer completes penance after each casting).

Sun Sword. Damage from this +3 shortsword counts as fire damage against creatures with special vulnerabilities to fire (e.g., mummies and trolls). Also, these creatures as well as creatures that hate sunlight have disadvantage on their attacks against the wielder of the Sun Sword. Once per day upon command, the Sun Sword glows as if affected by a Light spell.

September 29th, 2024  in RPG No Comments »

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