The Origaminicon
In effort to spend less time watching TV and/or playing Fishdom (which is open on my tablet while I type these words), I’ve started working on a new Spes Magna Games product titled Caveat Emptor, which presents a collection of Old School Essentials magic items with sinister origins and/or somewhat unpredictable effects. Here’s a sample, with some art by Jeshields:
Legends claim that only a small number of these books exist. The first was created by an oni lord who had become enthralled by a beautiful princess. The oni lord presented an Origaminicon to her, hoping to win her affection by means of his clever gift. The princess carefully folded every page according to the book’s instructions. Before her father’s court with the oni lord in attendance, she sang the command words, animating two dozen origami animals, which she then ordered to tear the oni lord to pieces for her cruel amusement.

An Origaminicon measures 6 inches by 9 inches. Bound in leather with ornamental corner pieces fashioned from silver, the covers have rectangular plates of the same metal, inscribed with delicate pictures of animals. Inside the book are 49 pages, the first of which bears the book’s title.
After the title page, each pair of pages follow a pattern. Every other page is blank on both sides and creased in such a way as to make it easy to tear from the book. In between each page is a command word and a beautifully illustrated set of diagrams that show how to cut and fold the removed blank page in such a way as to create a charming origami animal.
It takes 1-3 turns to complete an origami animal, during which time the folder must roll under his or her Dexterity on 1d20. Each origami animal has its own command word that, when spoken by the folder, animates the paper creation for 1-3 hours. If the folder’s Dexterity check was successful, the origami animal grows in size and strength. Otherwise, it remains rather tiny. In either case, the origami obeys its folder’s simple commands to the best of its ability.
Full-Size Origami Animal: AC 6 [13], HD 3 (13 hp), Att 2 paper cuts (1d4), THAC0 17 [+2], MV 120’ (40’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, ML 12, AL Neutral.
- Immunity: Unharmed by gas; unaffected by charm, hold, and sleep spells.
- Infravision: 60’.
- Made of Paper: Suffers from double damage from slashing weapons and from fire.
Tiny Origami Animal: AC 8 [11], HD 1 hp, Att nil, THAC0 NA, MV 90’ (30’), SV D14 W15 P16 B17 S18 (NH), ML 12, AL Neutral.
- Immunity: Unharmed by gas; unaffected by charm, hold, and sleep spells.
- Infravision: 60’.
- Made of Paper: Suffers from double damage from slashing weapons and from fire.
Nota Bene: Each command word in the Origaminicon functions only once.
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