Ludi Fabularum Returns?

There are just a handful of days left for the Merry Christmas in July sale at DriveThruRPG. More ominous: I return to work next Thursday to prep for the start of another school year. This marks my third year teaching at a Catholic school for boys, and I’m almost to the point where I’m looking forward to the students’ boisterous return.
N.B. That previous link goes to my DriveThruRPG store. The links below are affiliate links. If you click and purchase, I get a few coppers.
It seems likely that I’ll be permitted to resume Ludi Fabularum, the story game club that I’ve facilitated for several years, both at my current school and where I taught previously. This means figuring out what game to use with the boys. So far, I’ve got a few choices mulling about in my mind. Here are those mulling choices, in no particular order.
5E D&D: Odds are good that several of the students already play this one. It’s easy to teach and easy to learn, and there is no shortage of support for the game.
OSRIC: Odds are good none of the students already play this one. It’s not as easy to teach or to learn as 5E D&D, but it has the advantage that the rules are available for free. I also own a great deal of compatible material.
The Hero’s Journey: This is a gem of a game. It’s also easy to teach and learn, and I own the core books. THJ was my first choice going into last school year, but the lockdowns, et cetera put the kibosh on Ludi Fabularum for the entire school year.
Marvel Heroic Roleplaying: I adore this game, and I’ve used it for Ludi Fabularum before. The learning curve can be a bit steep. Since it’s no longer published, getting the rules can be tricky.
Prowlers & Paragons Ultimate Edition: This is a new game, an update of the original Prowlers & Paragons. I’ve like the looks of this game. It appears flexible, easy to teach, and easy to learn.
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