Savage Wednesday: Billy
So, my Saturday gaming group brought to a close our foray into 5E D&D. While discussing what to play next, the consensus developed that we would play Savage Worlds and that I would be the GM. So, I bought Savage Worlds Deluxe Explorer’s Edition (because it was cheap and two other players own it as well) and cobbled together a campaign hook. Here’s the gist of it:

A group of kids: all from the same school, all in the same trouble for doing something stupid, all punished by having to help Old Man Sutherland clean out his attic. The kids find a manuscript that Old Man Sutherland says is a “role-playing game”, a new type of game he created years ago. He helps the kids make up characters. With the first roll of strange dice, the lights go out inside and come on outside, glaring through the windows. Old Man Sutherland shoves the manuscript and the dice into the kids’ hands.
As the front door bursts open, Old Man Sutherland utters his last words to the kids, “Protect the book! Use the dice! Run!”
I’m putting together a player’s guide that explains the modified character creation rules, the amended lists for skills and edges and what not, and talks a bit about setting rules. It’s still a work-in-progress, but I’ll post a link to the most current draft next Wednesday.
In The Kids’ Game campaign, everyone runs a kid between the ages of 10 to 14, all of whom attend the same school. Their world is very much like our world, but with one seemingly minor difference: There is no such thing as a roleplaying game in their universe. Very quickly during the first session (scheduled for 2 February), the kids will rush from point A to point B, but point B doesn’t exist in their universe and, when they arrive, they’re not the same as they were. The kids change to forms with abilities suitable for whatever universe they find themselves in.
No matter which universe, however, the kids face danger and intrigue. Creatures of Hostile Intent want the book and the dice. Not only is Mr. Sutherland’s manuscript the only roleplaying game in existence where the kids come from, but the book and dice hold Amazing Secrets that must not fall into the Wrong Hands.

Here’s a sample kid made up with my modified character creation rules:
Billy Moore
Small, scrappy, not too bright, and with poor personal hygiene skills. Billy is possessed to skate, as announced by his Suicidal Tendencies T-shirts that get worn too many times between washings.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d4, Vigor d6
Skills: Climbing d4, Fighting d4, Skateboarding d6, Stealth d6, Streetwise d6, Taunt d4
Charisma: -1
Pace: 6″
Parry: 4
Toughness: 4
Hindrances: Habit (bad hygiene), Hard of Hearing (-2 to notice sounds), Small (-1 Toughness, -1 Fighting and Strength rolls)
Edges: Luck, Quick
Does Billy also fight for the right to party?
Of course.