Q Is for Quoits

People have played quoits for centuries. Halflings particularly love the game, which they play outdoors, using rings made of rope that are tossed at pegs of differing lengths stuck in the ground at increasing distances from the tossing point. Dyes stain the rope rings to help keep straight which player tossed which ring. Players set the longest peg closest to the tossing point; the shortest peg is the farthest away.

Players determine who goes first via some appropriate method, such as a coin toss or odds-and-evens. The game is played in rounds, and the players alternate who goes first each round. The number of rounds played varies, as halflings typically prefer to play quoits until an agreed-upon score is reached. One hundred points to win a game is quite common.

When a ring is tossed, the player chooses which peg he aims for and makes a ranged attack roll. The closest peg is AC 8 [11], and a successful ringing earns 5 points. The middle peg is AC 6 [13], and is worth 10 points, and the farthest peg is AC 4 [15] and earns 15 points. In addition to tossing skill, players enjoy a strategic element as well. Landing a ring atop an opponent’s ring immediately after the opponent earns points is called a “deny”. A deny cancels the points the opponent earned from his most recent turn. The player who scored the deny also earns the usual number of points for a successful ringing.

April 20th, 2013  in RPG No Comments »

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