Greater Cockatrice

The wonderful illustration above is by Fernando Salvaterra, and it is used with permission. If you’re looking for a great artist to support via Patreon, check him out here.

Cockatrice, Greater

A molting, lizard-chicken hybrid with a crimson, razorlike crest and a tail that is the body and head of a venomous serpent.

AC 12, HP 18, ATK 1 bite +4 (1d4 + petrify) and 1 bite +4 (1 + poison), MV near (fly), S -2, D +2, C +1, I -3, W +1, Ch -3, AL N, LV 4

Petrify. DC 12 CON or petrified.

Poison. DC 18 CON or go to 0 HP with a death timer of 1.

September 12th, 2024  in RPG No Comments »

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