Meta-Gaming Is a Must
One of the key features of Rewarding Roleplaying is the meta, which is a goal important to a PC that is not identical with the main adventure’s goal. A player works with the DM to define his character’s current meta, and the DM works that meta into the game so that it can be resolved one way or another. A PC earns an Action Point for attempting to achieve his meta.
I’m currently working on The Mad Monk’s Revenge, a one-session adventure designed to introduce players to the world of Spes Magna Games. TMMR comes complete with six pre-generated PCs, and each PC has a meta. Whether the PC meets his meta is up in the air, but win or lose, the PC still gets an Action Point. TMMR is still a work in progress, but here’s what I’ve outlined for each PC’s meta:
* The rogue has been falsely accused of a crime and wants to clear his name.
* The wizard has a fear of heights and wants to prove that he’s better than his phobia.
* The fighter wants to win the hand of one of the princess’s ladies-in-waiting.
* The cleric knows there is a traitor in his church and wants to discover his identity.
* The bard suffered a humiliating defeat in a pun contest and wants to best the wit who beat him.
* The ranger wants to dance with the princess at her birthday banquet.
Sound like something you want to learn more about how to implement in your game? If so, subscribe to Quid Novi? today. Every subscriber gets the Rewarding Roleplaying PDF for the low cost of an e-mail address.
Speaking of Quid Novi?, Issue I went out without a hitch. (Or, if there were any hitches, we’ve yet to hear about them.) Issue II lands in subscriber in-boxes Sunday, December 27, 2009. About a week or so after that, the playtest version Fencing & Firearms, our retooling of 3.5E combat for faster and more cinematic fights, will be made available for download by Quid Novi? subscribers.
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